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Aug 27, 2023
Organization : San Andreas Government

Name: Sailesh Sam

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Nationality: Indian

Place of Birth: Andaman And Nicobar

Sexuality: Straight

Eye color: Black

Hair color: Black

Tattoos: Everywhere except Face and Hand

Strengths: Adaptability, Resourcefulness, Punctual

Weakness: Trust Issues, Impatient, Emotional Detachment

Life Story:

Sailesh Sam's story begins on the serene island of Andaman, a paradise nestled in the midst of the vast ocean. Born to a humble family, Sailesh spent his childhood exploring the lush landscapes, hunting with friends, and enjoying the simplicity of island life. The island's tight-knit community instilled in him values of honesty, integrity, and a strong sense of justice.

As he grew older, the allure of adventure called Sailesh away from the island. Life had different plans for him, and he found himself in the bustling city of Los Santos. The transition from the peaceful island to the chaotic urban sprawl was challenging, but Sailesh embraced it with an open heart. Driven by a desire to contribute to the city that had become his new home, he joined the Government.

Sailesh quickly became known for his dedication and unwavering commitment to upholding the law. His colleagues admired his pure heart and passion for justice. He worked tirelessly to make Los Santos a safer place, often going beyond the call of duty to ensure that criminals faced the consequences of their actions. However, little did he know that the city's underbelly was filled with corruption that would soon test the limits of his principles.

Career Story:

Sailesh's career at the Government began with noble intentions, but the city's corrupt elements would not let him remain untainted. The higher-ups, entangled in a web of deceit and manipulation, thwarted Sailesh's every attempt to bring justice to the streets. Suspects he apprehended walked free, evidence mysteriously disappeared, and the system seemed rigged against him. Frustration and anger mounted within Sailesh as he witnessed the very institution he swore to protect become a breeding ground for corruption. He struggled with the moral dilemma of compromising his principles or watching the city he loved succumb to darkness. One fateful day, pushed to the brink by the very system he sought to uphold, Sailesh snapped. In a surprising turn of events, Sailesh decided to embrace the corruption that plagued the Government. With a meticulous plan, he began manipulating cases, accepting bribes, and turning a blind eye to criminal activities. His transformation from a beacon of justice to a corrupt officer shocked those who once held him in high regard.


1. Sailesh can refuse to show her ID.

2. Sailesh can break IC laws due to her corruption

3. Sailesh can misuse their authority and power to aid their friends in escaping from prison or removing them from the wanted list.

4. Sailesh can receive bribes of up to $100,000 or illegal items worth upto $100,000.. (cannot take a bribe to be hostage)

5. Sailesh may attempt to break their victims' body cameras (by using /try to find the bodycam (Twice per situation) and /do to destroy it).

6. Sailesh can use illegal firearms both on and off duty, whether acquired through personal purchase or looting/robbing from their victims.

7. Sailesh can purchase/sell weapons on the black market (but cannot trade anything from Org nor hold it in their car trunks).

8. Sailesh can attend illegal businesses like drug lab and other illegal activities with their family.

9. Sailesh is allowed to falsely claim that he has requested an attorney or deny their presence.

10. Sailesh is permitted to rob/kill criminals in the ghetto, or kidnap and rob/kill them in secluded areas.
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Oghi Flann

Retired Senior State
Nov 7, 2022

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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