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Rejected Complaint against Ex Dpty. Chief Admin Carlos Nandez | 22347 Elias Morales

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Mar 24, 2024


Feb 2, 2024
Ingamename: Elias Morales
ID: 22347

Why you have been banned?
2/2 Cheating

How long you have been banned? 329 Days

How long are you still banned? 9670 Days

Why were should you unbanned:

I greet Mazhor and the ticket processors. I was banned on 30.04.2023 by Carlos Nandez, the reason was that my account with ID 22347 was hacked, and the one with his IP apparently cheated on several accounts, I know that it is already too late for an unban request, but I miss you time on DE02, I had a 2 account that was also hacked by the same guys who had hacked my main account. However, I have never cheated, which you can see in my punishment history, though? I already had one, because But you can't count it because it's a false ban where I was also unbanned by Lasdios Miller The ban was made because I had very bad lags I don't have a good PC where it can also be good that loads with me Nothing loads I can't talk neither nor get harm, After a while I get hurt and die, But Chriz Cruz bans me, A short time later I was unbanned by Lasdios Miller, one of the best Deputy Chief Admin, I haven't cheated and I loathe cheaters, I've never had a PC check nor a POV request or anything else, I will always remain legal, and will never cover cheaters, I'm going to get a new PC at the end of the month where I don't have any more lags and can always clip, You are welcome to check me PC as I said, you will not find anything with me, even if it was already 1 year ago... if it's been 1 year... It's probably too late to file an unban request But before I quit Grand RP completely, I'll try my luck I've been unbanned from my blacklist exactly on Justin Winter's birthday (All the best) I regretted my mistake and I was looking forward to playing DE02 'Cause I was blacklisted for 6 months, I know that I was never innocent with my history, but I would love to play on DE02 again. I'm going to take more care of my accout when I get unbanned, I will put on the 2fa Autfenficatior, and take great care of my account so that I don't get banned anymore... If this request for unbanning is rejected, I would like to thank you for the great time on DE02 and hope every one of my colleagues friends and everyone because I have met good luck, I thank Justin Winter and Johnson Baron most for the great time on DE02....

King Regards Elias Morales | 22347
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