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Daniel Cripp

Sep 16, 2023
Family Name: Garcia
>Family Leader: Hothead Daniel | 297635
>Family house number: 991
>Family leader discord: godmademan38
>Family leader forum name: Daniel Cripp

Family logo:


Family outfit:


Family story: Why did Garcia get created?

The family called Garcia was created because the leader was in many different great families for a very long time. He learned from all of them and took that information and created his own family for him and his friends to have fun and recruit other players and also teach them how to survive in the city. This is what he always wanted now he has an opportunity to be a great leader and run his own family.

Family rules:
>No racism towards anyone in or out of family.
>You need to know laws of the city.
>Don't abuse your power.
>No stealing from family or family members.
>No toxicity.

Family plans:
>Being active and doing events.
>Become very wealthy and have fun.
>Run the ghetto.
>Being respected and loved by other families.
>Get to the top of leaderboard.

Family ranking system:
> (1) Young G: This rank is given to new members of the family.
> (2) Hustler: This rank is given to new members of the family that knows what to do in the city.
> (3) Original BG: This rank is given to members that been active in the family and helping new members survive in the city.
> (4) Original YG: This rank is given to members that knows how to rob and run the operation.
> (5) OG Garcia: This rank is given to members that knows more things and has more experience than the lower ranking members.
> (6) Triple OG: This rank is given to members that helps out the leader with things for the family and knows what to do when leader is out of the city.
> (7) Leader: This rank is the highest which is the owner of the family.

Tyrell Johnson

EN1 Senior of Unofficial Orgs and Supports
Senior Administrator
May 14, 2021

I accept your unofficial organization biography. Enjoy the game, but do not break any server rules and do not go against scripts.

It will take some time to get unofficial ingame and on Discord, please be patient with us. While you wait you can make sure everyone reads the link below:

Rules and Requirements For applying For Unofficial Family
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