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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Naveed Stark
Administrators nickname
Bobby Pluxury
Mar 27, 2024


Sep 15, 2022
Dear Bobby,
I've Blacklisted recently and I have explanation for each and everything please read fully

Regarding Targeting:-
- I've never targeted anyone but I just posted forum on the marabunta only one time and that too the leader posted half forum so I've posted the rest where I felt he did Fear RP.
- His Forum on Vagos ( reviewed by Vagos curators) which is half so I posted the rest, here is my Forum (which is reviewed by marabunta curator)
and I posted admin complaint just because i felt the admin made wrong decision, here is that Forum
I never targeted anyone to get org disbanded coz i get nothing from that.

Marabunta leader States that i said why are u defending him to the deputy in their curator chat but i never said it you can ask any Hindi Speaking admins, here is the Proof

- Regarding that saying don't join marabunta is that i got some misunderstanding so i said not to join marabunta to my friends and after that i contacted the leader my self and said all is misunderstanding and joined marabunta my self ( you can check the logs)
Here is the Proof
- I asked our mutual friends to ask the leader to close the forum just because I don't want to the org get punished for small mistakes

Regarding the DMs with Shantanu :-
- I DMed him and said keep crying on forums to him when he posted the multiple forums against us even the curators and bobby yourself rejected it.
( saying this in discord DMs is very common as everyone do )


- Regarding the Ban which I gave him:-

He said I gave him ban for personal grudges and the reason to ban him is due to he said me biased not only for insulting Ace Galante in DMs, and regarding this i said all the things to Adham about insulting ace and calling me bias everything and the ban was approved by Adham himself i have the proofs of our DMs of that i dont wanna share them here, I can show u in private VC if needed you can check everything and i give u better explanation in Private VC on everything.

I have explanation for each and everything he totally convey in wrong way. I hope you understand and please try to call private Vc to show the proofs of the DMs.

I hope you understand and give me a chance to enjoy RP with my friends as you all know i played very legit till now and contributed my most time in admin team even a enemy will get a second chance but iam a well wisher please think of it , thank you!
your sincerely,
-Naveed Stark
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