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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Aymoon Habibi

Aug 17, 2022
For the Curator of the project only ( Mazhor Pluxury)
Dear Lebron, lock this forum for Mazhor only.

Dear Mazhor, I would like to have a Voice call with you but that's the story if you can't go on a Voice call to know my case. Also, I texted you on Discord and I hope you see it.
Discord: aymoon7122

Dear Mazhor,

I got blacklisted in the last problem when the Badmash family abused the script and they bought an LV set from me for 900m, I posted many forums for the curator of the project which should be you but I don't know under what clause Lebron keeps rejecting all of them while I was posting all proofs and evidence that I was not a part of it and I am an innocent player that involved in something I don't know. After many forums and while you were approving all other forums Lebron reviewed my forums and replied "After further check was done you will be unbanned" Reviewed - Blacklisted I Lebron Pluxury. After some time I got unbanned but I found $600 Million wiped from my balance. I tried many times to contact him and posted many forums to get a reply as to why I got wiped with this huge amount and he replied "Rejected. If you want to get a full refund you will go to Perma ban again after checking evidence. The deal that you did broke 1.7 GR" Rejected - $600 Million wiped I Lebron Pluxury. In which rule does it say that the punishment of rule 1.7 is a permanent ban which he said that it will be 9999 days, not 60 days? In the Grand Rp discord rule 1.7 It is forbidden to transfer property as a gift (including neon shoes), whose total amount exceeds $5.000.000(You are allowed to receive 5.000.000$ and transfer 5.000.000$ per day.)(It is allowed to withdraw/deposit money from/to family balance.) | Ban 60 days. and when someone asks for an unban appeal you respected give him an option to get money wipe to get unban, so why he is forcing me to get $300 Million only or he will refund me my money and blacklist me from this server. Also, I requested that I want my LV set back and don't want any money but he said that I didn't have options and I would not get my LV set back, Even though I asked him to give me a fair price for my LV set and he valued it with $300 Million only and you can ask any of your admins that have this set or anyone who knows the market how much the LV sweatshirt and pants costs. Btw I provided all offers I got and evidence from more than 6 months of all offers I got for it also Abdel Pluxury sold his set from like month ago for $400 Million and mine was one of two or three sets only left in the market.

He didn't stop with $600 Million only, he also banned me for GR 6.17 while I said to him that
I was using Xbox GameBar as a temporary method as the ScreenRec app was giving me errors and not recording properly, and I found that I can use Xbox GameBar between apps if I use the (Screen Record) feature, not the rewind record one which only records the focused app. I hope you can lift the punishment as you know I am not having the best of days lately and if I get this punishment I will also lose my business. He banned me to complete my loss of $600 Million to make it 1 Billion loss after losing my business, houses, family, and everything.

Sorry for writing a lot of things but I am explaining all because I kept playing on this server for almost 2 years and I kept logging into server 2 for all that time without interruption, even for a day. But I want to know:

1- Lebron did not give me any chance to keep in touch with you and he kept rejecting and replying on all my forums that it is for the curator of the project. while in all servers when someone posts a forum for Curators they lock it for you but our server keeps rejecting and he gives decisions without you checking it.
2- Why does he want to punish GR 1.7 with a refund and blacklisted or to take only $300 Million "which is not a fair price" when it should be ban 60 days only? And I accept to get banned for 60 days with the $900 Million better than losing my set and $600 Million.
3- At last when I asked for an unban appeal because the assets I have are the last things I can recover my loss with, he rejected it while it was for the curator of the project also like all the forums before.

I am requesting a refund if we follow the punishment of rule 1.7 which is a 60-day ban and even with that I will lose my business and houses and many things or I want my LV set and don't want any of this money like nothing happened.
Or at least I am requesting an Unban appeal to not lose the last things I have that make me continue playing on this server, I have a good history and didn't break any rule before.

Note: Lebron was the targeted one of this scamming project and all this server lost, like players blacklisted or money wiped or the clothes and stuff that got disappeared from this server because they targeted Lebron only, That may unfairness a lot of people like me in the server that make them enjoy their time and meet good friends.

Best regards,


All evidence and proof are provided for the full case.
Also, if the format is wrong please don't reject it and tell me what to edit.
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