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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Pedro Khan
Administrators nickname
Daisy Pluxury
Apr 11, 2024

Pedro Broddy

Aug 6, 2023
Hi, the server told “ If you feel that the punishment issued by the official is incorrect, do not hesitate to file an administrative complaint” . The penalty you got is incorrect, as the attached video confirms that at minute 4:40 he used Nvidia's software and that the law states "The use of OBS and any similar software for recordings is prohibited, and all overlays must be recorded. | 30 day ban"
If you notice, Mr. Chief Administrator, that as I mentioned, a minute 4:40 of the attached video shows that he used the Nvidia program. If I did not use the OBS program, nor even any other program similar to it, if I did not break the law, this is the first part on law if we look at the second part , the video no have any delay, There is no evidence in the video to tell me broken the law, all thing is clean

The only problem with the video is the sound of the video. If you notice that I am speaking comfortably, why did the sound be deleted? If I wanted to delete the sound or manipulate the video, I would delete my sound and keep the game sound! To win this forum

But I am committed to every law on this server. All the matter is that I bought a new headset and changed settings spontaneously, and I don't know why , so that it captures sound only from the headset’s microphone. I did not do it intentionally. I am not a fool to file a complaint against someone for prison 120 minte so that he can receive a simple prison sentence, and I receive a thirty-day ban.

It is a technical error that is not my fault, and I appreciate that you are keen on the safety of the game and checking everything, so I wanted to explain everything so that everything is clear.

I recorded a full video explaining everything. This video, I wish you could check it, uploaded FOURM twice, but you did not believe me, so I created this video to prove to you that I am right.

This video was filmed on the phone because I registered twice. The first time there was a problem with the settings, and the second time I fixed the settings with the help of a technician who gave me advice.

Video WITH phone

Video 1
Video 2

And finally this is full video explain IN 4:40 minute if you cheek you can detect I am us nvidia program for recording not OBS and any similar software for recordings is prohibited

I trust your justice and I know that you are very concerned about the safety of the game and the players. I appreciate that and I think that everything is clear. I hope that the ban on me will be lifted or reduced with all thanks and appreciation & Thanks for your time .
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