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Jinx Maestro

Dec 20, 2023

1. Your name IRL : Adam
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone City time
4. Average online per day : 12h-13h
5. Your Discord Mondella.
6. Your Nickname Albos
7. Your ID 73008 i was en2 player level 30

Additional information

1. Leader of EMS
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
It's been 2 months since I arrived in town and I have the pleasure of having joined the ranks of the EMS. It is a profession that is particularly close to my heart, because it serves everyone without distinction.

- As a result, I know the tricks of the trade well. I also obtained the rank of Administration Manager at EMS which allowed me to learn how to manage teams, shifts, vehicles, stocks, etc.
And it would pain me if this service was placed in the hands of a total stranger, only hungry for power, who doesn't even know the emergency workers who spend their time saving the citizens of Los Santos.

- Finally, I have some concrete ideas for modifications that could be made to the service: have more careful recruitment and more ongoing training by focusing on serious, invested, respectful and attentive profiles; distribute bonuses on a regular basis to reward the hardest-working members; try to have teams that cover the widest range of time possible; offer patients more in-depth medical follow-up.
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
I think that to improve the quality of Role Play within the service, this requires above all a director who masters it as best as possible, and who can communicate it to others. Because currently, the EMS service already has all the keys in hand, it remains to be seen who will now be able to improve the atmosphere in play and respect for the rules.

As far as I am concerned, I see myself reestablishing a hierarchical line that is respected, and instilling a sense of duty in each member of the organization.

Sylvia Som

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Nov 2, 2021

Punishment History
Keep punishment history clean and apply for future openings​
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