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Arpit Negi

Oct 4, 2023

1. Your name IRL: Arpit Negi
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 7-8 hours
5. Your Discord: arpitnegi.
6. Your Nickname:Arpit Negi
7. Your ID: 323855

Additional information

1. Leader of LifeInvader.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

  • I am in LifeInvader for more than 5 terms and have learned quite a lot about the organization. LifeInvader is a private organization that works for the city and its citizens in a lot of ways like organizing events, publishing advertisements and news articles about the current situation going on in the city. LifeInvader plays a crucial role in the working of the city and without it would be difficult to manage a lot of things and to ensure that the LifeInvader sustains in all the situation I would like to offer my skill to the LifeInvader in the form of becoming the leader of LifeInvader.
  • I have worked with many other people who were my seniors and learned how they execute a decision during critical situations or provide suggestions so that employees or the whole organization doesn’t have to face any problems.
  • I have a good bond among my colleagues here in LifeInvader who are experienced or are new due to which I can maintain a family relationship within the organization.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

  • Firstly I would give recognition and promotion to those employees who deserve, I don’t like favoritism due to which I will maintain a record about the employees about how they perform in the organization on the basis of their ability to handle tough situations, accepting their mistakes if they commit and if not then how they prove their innocence, helping other new interns if they commit a mistake and many other points that I will be checking.
  • Secondly I will be making strict rules and regulations for the High Commands so that they do their job wisely and not targeting a single person if they don’t like him/her. If I caught them proper disciplinary actions would be taken against them irrespective of the position they are holding in the organization and this rule also goes on the employees also.
  • Thirdly we have seen that there a no much bigger events getting organized by the LifeInvader due to which LifeInvader is not able to properly interact with the citizens. If I get a chance to serve as the leader of the LifeInvader I ensure that at least 1 event in a week would be organized.

  • Advertisement department- Ensuring all Ads getting published are supervised by a High Command and doing Happy Hours on an interval of 2-3 days.
  • News Department- Encouraging the reporters to make top news report videos that happened in the whole week.
  • Events department- Recruiting more employees in the Events department so that more bigger and organized event can be organized.

  • Encouraging people to join the Events department.
  • Hiring Director and Deputy Directors of all department of different time zones so that there is smooth function of the organization at all times.
  • Making sure all employees and high commands are full filling their duties.
  • Making LifeInvader more interactive with the citizens.

Maxx Grand

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Dec 18, 2022

IC age is low, and also gain some more experience and apply again in the future.
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