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Mahir Ali

Jul 21, 2022

Name (IRL): Ali
Age: 16
Time Zone: GMT+5:30
Average Online Per Day: 3 to 6 hours
Discord ID: ma2357
Your Nickname: Maahir Ali
In Game ID:

Additional information:

Leader of National Guard

Why do i want to be the Leader of 'National Guard'? :

I have served the the state of Los Santos for 2 years now. I want to be the leader of the National Guard for mainly 3 reasons:

1, Returning the favor : My journey being a LEO started from NG, this Organization has given me so much and now i want to return the favor by doing my best to make sure it is called the best Organization than any other.

2, Experience : I have served nearly more than 5 Terms in NG and more than 3 terms in other Law Enforcing Organizations. So i have a nice experience how the Organizations work and what were some mistakes or achievements done by the previous leaders. With this i would be able to run the Organization pretty efficiently.

3, Dedication Towards NG : For me NG is something connected strongly to discipline and Nationalism. I will make sure the member of my term, whoever he is he must be having those qualities, so that he could be easily recognized as as soldier.

My advice on improving the roleplay level in the organization :

1, As per my thinking the Soldiers of NG Lack something, the bond they share with their comrades, i will make sure they respect each other and no ranks would divide their brotherhood.

2, Before the gate duty we would always conduct a short parade followed by an assembly to encourage our soldiers.

3, I will have a particular dress code to be followed strictly by the members.

4, I will focus on promised Bonuses and Promotions.

5, I will make sure that my soldiers are trained way better than the criminals as we should always be a step forward than them.

6, And Finally i will make sure that only the deserving person will be served in my term and there wont be any space for a person who only cares for him/her self and everybody will be treated equally, be it the deputy or a recruit.

Departments under my Term :

Military Police
The Department that works to ensure the discipline in the Organization by keeping a check on the members.

Members of this Department
Head of Department
Deputy Head of Department
Supervisor of Department
Senior Member of Department
Junior Member of Department

The Department that protects the Skies. It act as our eyes for the base and help us with special missions.

Members of this Department
Head of Department
Deputy Head of Department
Supervisor of Department
Senior Member of Department
Junior Member of Department

Recruitment Representatives
The Department that provides our nation with its protectors. it helps the citizens with joining and training.

Members of this Department
Head of Department
Deputy Head of Department
Supervisor of Department
Senior Member of Department
Junior Member of Department

The Above Mentioned Departments are just the basic ones, more special departments would be introduced soon.

About the rank system
i believe you cant judge anyone on the basis of his/her rank, somewhere ranks do divide the organizations but it creates a sense of discipline.
the rank system i have chosen is as follows :

30) General
29) LT. General
28) Major General
=== Commissioned Officers ===
27) Brigadier General

26) Colonel (HOD)
25) Lt. Colonel (DHOD)
24) Captain (Supervisor)
23) 1st Lieutenant

22) 2nd Lieutenant
=== Non-Commissioned Officers ===
21) Command Sergeant Major

20) Sergeant Major
19) 1st Sergeant
18) Master Gunnery Sergeant
17) Master Sergeant
16) Platoon Sergeant
15) Sergeant 1st Class
14) Gunnery Sergeant
13) Staff Sergeant

12) Sergeant
=== Enlisted Personnel ===
11) Corporal 1st Class

10) Corporal
9) Specialist II
8) Specialist I
7) Lance Corporal
6) Private 1st Class
5) Private III
4) Private II
3) Private
2) Recruit

1) Suspended

Thank you for reviewing my application.
at last i would say
it doesn't matter if i become the General or not i would still work my best for NG as it is everything for me.

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