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Rejected Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol | Joey Marsh

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Joey Marsh

Server Administrator
Apr 18, 2023

1. Your name IRL: Nahid Hossain
2. Your age: 23
3. Time zone: GMT +6:00
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours daily
5. Your Discord: CaptainZero.
6. Your Nickname: Joey
7. Your ID: 30149

Additional information

1. Leader of
  • San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

In my time with different groups, I've learned a lot. I've seen some do really well and others get into trouble and even shut down for breaking rules. I've worked under good leaders and not-so-good ones. But no matter where I've been, I always go back to where I started: SAHP.

I want to make things better there. Even though I've never been a leader before, I've been part of the top team in many organizations like SAHP, NG, GOV, FIB, and LSPD. This taught me how to lead and keep things running smoothly. I began as a Cadet in SAHP and moved up the ranks. Whether it was selling insurance or catching criminals, my goal was always to keep our city safe.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
  • Offer training and resources
    In my term, I'll prioritize effective training programs for new recruits, taking inspiration from past practices like the "FTO - Field Training Officer" role. This dedicated position was responsible for training officers and getting them ready for their duties outside headquarters. However, the FTO approach seems forgotten now, with HR personnel or other high-ranking officials often conducting training. Bringing back the FTO approach would allow new recruits to learn directly from experienced officers, reducing mistakes and better preparing them for their roles. With hands-on guidance, we can ensure that every new hire receives thorough and high-quality training, ultimately enhancing our organization's effectiveness
  • Meetings and Check-Ins
    I want to set up weekly meetings with officers and high-ranking members to talk about our plans and goals. These meetings will be a chance for everyone to share their thoughts and concerns. We must work together to achieve our goals, and these meetings will help with that. They'll also make sure everyone feels like they're being listened to and that their opinions matter. These meetings will break down any walls between us and make things more transparent.
  • LEO Roleplay
    Sometimes, especially in law enforcement groups, I've noticed people forgetting to do roleplay (RP). Some don't realize they can make up lots of RP situations. Others just don't seem interested in RP. That's why I want to remind everyone to do more RP and get involved in RP situations. I want to remind them that each RP situation can have a different outcome and that they're playing unique characters. It's important for everyone to be a part of RP to make it more fun and interesting for everyone.
  • Avoid favoritism
    Should avoid favoritism in the organization, and treat everyone fairly. Don't show special treatment based on personal preferences. Encourage open communication and transparency. Make sure decisions are fair and clear. Respect everyone regardless of background. I've seen many good people leave because of favoritism during my career.
Chain of Command

30. Sheriff
29. Under Sheriff
28. Assistant Sheriff
27. Chief of Staff
26. Head of Department
25. Deputy Head of Department
24.US Marshel

-------High Command--------

23. FTO
22. Supervisor
21. Senior Lieutenant
20. Lieutenant
19. Major
18. Senior Captain
17. Captain
16. Master Sergeant
15. Senior Sergeant
14. Sergeant
13. Junior Sergeant
12. Master Corporal
11. Senior Corporal
10. Corporal
9.High Traffic Infrocement
8. Master Trooper
7. Senior Trooper
6. Trooper
5. Trainee - III
4. Trainee - II
3. Trainee - I
2. LOA
1. Suspended

Select for moderation

Abood Papichulo

Just Abood
May 15, 2023
Interview will be on 26/04/2024, at 15:00 Server Time, Join waiting room 15 minutes prior to the interview.
Contact Oghi Flann or Eray Black or Sultan Pluxury or Abood Ryu in discord for any questions that you have about the interview time.
Not making it to the interview for any reason, will result into failing the interview and rejection​

Sultan Pluxury

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Mar 12, 2022

Another applicant chosen, better luck next time!​
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