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Reviewed GR6.4 + Rule of State 1.8 + ForceRP | ID 85976

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Poppy Lasombra
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Apr 23, 2024
Time of violation

Poppy Lasombra

Angel of Law
Aug 14, 2021
ForceRP for demanding me to meet In-City and hand over IC proofs or documents when I am busy IRL. I do not think I have been In City longer than a few hours in the past days in total and only briefly late at night (IRL commitments). Demanding someone come into City to meet IC is clearly ForcingRP and has been previously been upheld as such as far as I know.

The DOJ has asked for these Proofs several times, has been provided the Bar Examinations (each of the Lawyers has their own Exam Transcripts,), and yet keeps asking for Proofs (they change what Proof actually means). They even tried to force me to Violate Rule 1.8 (It is prohibited to interact between your main account and twink. Any transfer of property or money will lead to PERMANENT ban of both accounts). Interaction would include me having and providing Bar Examination Proofs on behalf of my own Alt Character (at the time was Penny Lasombra) (I previously spoke to an admin about this back when both myself and my alt were in Government (end of my term as Governor and through Kazuto and Stoney's terms as Governor) and it is why my Alt avoided rejoining Government ever since while I was AG). NOTE: If I had this information from my Alt, then this AG could then say it is invalid or some other nonsense because I cannot possibly have that document IC for obvious reasons.

GR6.4 and RoS1.8: Further to this and the reason for GR6.4 is that the Lawyers Code clearly states: 4.3.3 Any attempt or use of an invalid Lawyers Licence shall result in Blacklisting from holding a Lawyers Licence for a Period of 28-days. They have no legal authority in the law to declare my Lawyers License Blacklisted as I have not USED that Lawyers License (even if their reasons are valid). The Attorney General is also not a Judge and has no legal authority to unilaterally declare someone guilty of a crime or any violation. They must make a Case File and take it to a Judge for a Verdict, just like every other Lawyer. This is Rule of State 1.8 for clear violations of Procedures in the Law, the same thing they are accusing me of.

GR6.4 and RoS1.8: Finally the Attorney General has repeatedly avoided providing proof that their own Lawyers License is valid according to the Procedures. The Principle of Equality is a foundational principle of all Laws (and is in our Cities Laws) and if they wish to constantly demands proofs they should be open and clear with their own actions and proofs as AG. If their License is not valid, then by Law they cannot be the Attorney General as the law clearly states the AG must have a Valid Lawyers License.

I would ask the Senior GOV Curator to look into the misconduct and mismanagement of the DOJ (again) and look at the state of our great City's Justice System...

Tony Accardo

Apr 29, 2023
ForceRP for demanding me to meet In-City and hand over IC proofs or documents when I am busy IRL. I do not think I have been In City longer than a few hours in the past days in total and only briefly late at night (IRL commitments). Demanding someone come into City to meet IC is clearly ForcingRP and has been previously been upheld as such as far as I know.

The DOJ has asked for these Proofs several times, has been provided the Bar Examinations (each of the Lawyers has their own Exam Transcripts,), and yet keeps asking for Proofs (they change what Proof actually means). They even tried to force me to Violate Rule 1.8 (It is prohibited to interact between your main account and twink. Any transfer of property or money will lead to PERMANENT ban of both accounts). Interaction would include me having and providing Bar Examination Proofs on behalf of my own Alt Character (at the time was Penny Lasombra) (I previously spoke to an admin about this back when both myself and my alt were in Government (end of my term as Governor and through Kazuto and Stoney's terms as Governor) and it is why my Alt avoided rejoining Government ever since while I was AG). NOTE: If I had this information from my Alt, then this AG could then say it is invalid or some other nonsense because I cannot possibly have that document IC for obvious reasons.

GR6.4 and RoS1.8: Further to this and the reason for GR6.4 is that the Lawyers Code clearly states: 4.3.3 Any attempt or use of an invalid Lawyers Licence shall result in Blacklisting from holding a Lawyers Licence for a Period of 28-days. They have no legal authority in the law to declare my Lawyers License Blacklisted as I have not USED that Lawyers License (even if their reasons are valid). The Attorney General is also not a Judge and has no legal authority to unilaterally declare someone guilty of a crime or any violation. They must make a Case File and take it to a Judge for a Verdict, just like every other Lawyer. This is Rule of State 1.8 for clear violations of Procedures in the Law, the same thing they are accusing me of.

GR6.4 and RoS1.8: Finally the Attorney General has repeatedly avoided providing proof that their own Lawyers License is valid according to the Procedures. The Principle of Equality is a foundational principle of all Laws (and is in our Cities Laws) and if they wish to constantly demands proofs they should be open and clear with their own actions and proofs as AG. If their License is not valid, then by Law they cannot be the Attorney General as the law clearly states the AG must have a Valid Lawyers License.

I would ask the Senior GOV Curator to look into the misconduct and mismanagement of the DOJ (again) and look at the state of our great City's Justice System...
When you were AG, you did all the things that it is not allowed for AG to do. How many officers, citizens you declared them guilty without a single case file. So, who is the corrupt now? WOW!

Monty Badmass

Oct 24, 2021
Lawyer is ic, law is ic the proof need o be ic too, in the chat ag said its log dont write here it will mess the log but still you keep writing anyways, and I dont know if Im right or wrong you got revoked your lawyer license thats why you wrote so much. Its not force sir he took your roles cause you were not stopping.

Krishna Parker

Krishna Parker
Jan 23, 2023
  1. If you Have not giving a bar and have a lawyer license which is invalid is clear to make you blacklist. Or can you say me who took your Bar exam? huh. You misused your Power as AG without taking bar exam you issued the Lawyer Licence like its a first aid kit given by the EMS employee when you go near them at hospital. And now about judge, case file and so on. Let me clear you one thing i was not making a case file or anything i just did my duty as AG. I can see many people come to me asking for issue me the Lawyer License and i am not you what you did in previous term just distributed the lawyer licenses to anyone without the proper Bar exam. i just check some logs and checked for valid bar examination proof which i didnot get from the examinee or you( You were the AG and taking Bar Exam.). so as in inspection i found you guilty and asked you even to send me proof you failed to do so. its mean you directly did a GR.6.4 It is forbidden to play the bad side of an employee of state structures (for example: a bad cop, a politician) without having an RP biography. So i didnot need to satrt case for it as AG i have that authority/Power to inspect any lawyer logs and ask for any one bar exam proof.

    Also who take the bar exam of penny lasombra can i know

    And why shall i revela the DOJ logs to other as in the permission of DOJ logs you messed up and give everyone from lawyer to see DOJ logs which is private and personal and only can be ssen by AG, Judge, Governor and if the DOj have low rank i.e US attorney we can give permission to DOJ to view it. But my logs have all required Evidence so no need to misguide anyone.
    ForceRP for demanding me to meet In-City and hand over IC proofs or documents when I am busy IRL. I do not think I have been In City longer than a few hours in the past days in total and only briefly late at night (IRL commitments). Demanding someone come into City to meet IC is clearly ForcingRP and has been previously been upheld as such as far as I know.

    The DOJ has asked for these Proofs several times, has been provided the Bar Examinations (each of the Lawyers has their own Exam Transcripts,), and yet keeps asking for Proofs (they change what Proof actually means). They even tried to force me to Violate Rule 1.8 (It is prohibited to interact between your main account and twink. Any transfer of property or money will lead to PERMANENT ban of both accounts). Interaction would include me having and providing Bar Examination Proofs on behalf of my own Alt Character (at the time was Penny Lasombra) (I previously spoke to an admin about this back when both myself and my alt were in Government (end of my term as Governor and through Kazuto and Stoney's terms as Governor) and it is why my Alt avoided rejoining Government ever since while I was AG). NOTE: If I had this information from my Alt, then this AG could then say it is invalid or some other nonsense because I cannot possibly have that document IC for obvious reasons.

    GR6.4 and RoS1.8: Further to this and the reason for GR6.4 is that the Lawyers Code clearly states: 4.3.3 Any attempt or use of an invalid Lawyers Licence shall result in Blacklisting from holding a Lawyers Licence for a Period of 28-days. They have no legal authority in the law to declare my Lawyers License Blacklisted as I have not USED that Lawyers License (even if their reasons are valid). The Attorney General is also not a Judge and has no legal authority to unilaterally declare someone guilty of a crime or any violation. They must make a Case File and take it to a Judge for a Verdict, just like every other Lawyer. This is Rule of State 1.8 for clear violations of Procedures in the Law, the same thing they are accusing me of.

    GR6.4 and RoS1.8: Finally the Attorney General has repeatedly avoided providing proof that their own Lawyers License is valid according to the Procedures. The Principle of Equality is a foundational principle of all Laws (and is in our Cities Laws) and if they wish to constantly demands proofs they should be open and clear with their own actions and proofs as AG. If their License is not valid, then by Law they cannot be the Attorney General as the law clearly states the AG must have a Valid Lawyers License.

    I would ask the Senior GOV Curator to look into the misconduct and mismanagement of the DOJ (again) and look at the state of our great City's Justice System...


Poppy Lasombra

Angel of Law
Aug 14, 2021
  1. If you Have not giving a bar and have a lawyer license which is invalid is clear to make you blacklist. Or can you say me who took your Bar exam? huh. You misused your Power as AG without taking bar exam you issued the Lawyer Licence like its a first aid kit given by the EMS employee when you go near them at hospital. And now about judge, case file and so on. Let me clear you one thing i was not making a case file or anything i just did my duty as AG. I can see many people come to me asking for issue me the Lawyer License and i am not you what you did in previous term just distributed the lawyer licenses to anyone without the proper Bar exam. i just check some logs and checked for valid bar examination proof which i didnot get from the examinee or you( You were the AG and taking Bar Exam.). so as in inspection i found you guilty and asked you even to send me proof you failed to do so. its mean you directly did a GR.6.4 It is forbidden to play the bad side of an employee of state structures (for example: a bad cop, a politician) without having an RP biography. So i didnot need to satrt case for it as AG i have that authority/Power to inspect any lawyer logs and ask for any one bar exam proof.

    Also who take the bar exam of penny lasombra can i know

    And why shall i revela the DOJ logs to other as in the permission of DOJ logs you messed up and give everyone from lawyer to see DOJ logs which is private and personal and only can be ssen by AG, Judge, Governor and if the DOj have low rank i.e US attorney we can give permission to DOJ to view it. But my logs have all required Evidence so no need to misguide anyone.

1. A Lawyer Blacklist can only be given by the Lawyers Code if they USE an Invalid Lawyers License (Section 4.3.3 of Lawyers Code) or if they have given a Bail that is not permitted (Section 11.4.2 of the Lawyers Code). A License can be stated to be Invalid after which point its use results in Blacklisting. That is the law (which you should know).
Can you state where the Law permits you to arbitrarily Blacklist people. This is why this forum is for GR6.4. It is the same as a cop arresting someone for smoking a cigarette and putting them in jail for it. There is no legal right to do it...

2. Penny Lasombra was given their Bar Examination by former Judge and Governor Luna Moonstone on the 30th of October (who also clearly stated in the Lawyer Chat by the Governor at that time that their log was deleted and that the Lawyers License was still upheld as valid). They served as JAG in the National Guard. As you should know it is not permitted to interact with an Alt therefore I cannot be in possession of their Bar Examination, nor can I issue or verify the re-issue of that License. It is the Governor that verified that License NOT me.

3. Permissions for the Logs is not controlled by the Attorney General and the Lawyer Logs have been open to all Lawyers for a very long time. This worked as Lawyers have a Right to the Evidence (under Rule of State 2.5) that their Licenses are being Issued and Changed according to the necessary procedures that DOJ has followed for a long time and are essentially a form of Customary Law. Lawyers WANTED this information and knowing which Lawyers are active in the City and where they are working is an important part of the Bar Association of all the Lawyers and helps them do their job by knowing who to speak to at respective Organisations.
NOTE: Case File Documents and sensitive information such are not permitted to be put on a Lawyers Log (only the Proof of Registration of a Case File is required there as 1 of 3 options to open and register a Case File as per the Lawyers Code)

Finally, If you are accusing me of handing out Lawyers Licenses, then why did yourself who gave (but clearly never marked their Bar Examination) and Alex Roland issue a Lawyers License to Montasir Otamay when he clearly failed the Bar Examination. This is the question you cannot answer. While I was AG, Rick Jamez, Nicolas Garcia and Luka Mamardashvili all wrote but failed Bar Examinations and thus were not granted Lawyers Licenses. Rick Jamez only later passed a re-write. You were party to a failed exam and still allowed the AG to go ahead and issue the License based on an Exam that YOU gave and the Candidate did NOT pass.
GOV Curator: Please check the DOJ chat between Krishna and Alex Roland on this or ask for THAT Bar Examination transcript as proofs of the above statement.

Rishav Raj

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Nov 11, 2022
Thread Reviewed
1. No force RP since it is very evident from the screenshots you provided that he never demanded/ordered you to come in city immediately and neither you have informed him about not being able to come into the city when you were given the time line.(You were given 16 hours and later you were asked to inform when you are free.)

2.Regarding State Rule 1.8 against GOV: If, the AG was failing in his duties/responsibilities or abusing his power. The Issue could have been taken up with the Governor , the Deputy Governor's, or can be dealt in court by making a case file which you clearly did not.

Regarding accusation of Invalid lawyers license of Attorney General: You can approach the governor or the court ICly in order to get an investigation or any procedural action initiated against the Attorney General with reference to the Article 5.2 of the Code of Civil and Procedural Law.

4.Revocation of lawyer license or blacklist from being a lawyer are completely IC and procedures of same are clearly written in the legislation any violation of the same can be challenged in the court of law by making a case file.

5. You can make a forum complaint regarding this issue, if and when the governor fails to deliver his duties in appointing required personnel for the investigation or the court hearing.
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