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Mohamed Verlice

Game Assistant
Game Assistant
Dec 1, 2022
Organization: FIB

: Mohammed Verlice
Gender: Male
Age: 49
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Los Santos
Sexuality: Straight
Eye Colour: LIght blue
Tattoos:Left Hand , Both of the Legs
Strengths: Driving, Combat, Quick Witted
Weakness: Patience

Life Story:

Mohammad's tale unfolds in Los Santos, a city entrenched in poverty and violence. Raised by a loving mother after his father's death from alcoholism, tragedy struck again when gang members killed her. Determined to break the cycle, Mohammad vowed to avenge her death and that of his best friend, Sheen, who fell victim to the same gangs. Finding refuge in the Verlice Cartel, led by Shabah, Mohammad joined "Mandem Inc.," a family bound by shared pain. As an FIB 00 Agent, he gathered evidence against gangsters, orchestrating daring raids for justice. His efforts earned him respect, leading him to collaborate with SAHP and LSPD. Yet, Mohammad's mission was incomplete. Realizing the need for military support, he set his sights on the National Guard, ready to protect his city and its inhabitants. With unwavering determination, Mohammad forged ahead, ready to face any challenge in his relentless pursuit of justice.

Career Story:

After joining the National Guard, Mohammad's primary mission became the protection of his base, even if it meant risking his own life. His exemplary track record as an FIB agent secured him the role of Military Police, a position he executed with unwavering determination. Diligently safeguarding the gates, Mohammad's vigilant presence ensured no trespassers breached the perimeter. His exceptional performance garnered widespread acclaim, leading to swift promotions through the ranks. Mohammad's steadfast commitment prevented mass robberies, earning him the prestigious title of Major General. With his newfound authority, Mohammad remained resolute in his quest for vengeance, fueled by the memory of his mother's tragic fate.


1- Mohamed can sell/buy illegal weapons and drugs (no org stuff)
2- Mohamed can can go ghetto to rob/kill with his friends and family
3- Mohamed can destroy bodycams (/try finds bodycam)(twice per sit)
4- Mohamed can take bribe or take weapons on the same amount (up to 100k) ( he cant take bribe to be hostage)
5- Mohamed can remove criminals from the wanted list and Clear their criminal record.
6- Mohamed can lie about request lawyer and refuse to show his ID
7- Mohamed can use illegal items like drugs/weapon while on duty
8- Mohamed can pick the 10-15s guns/ammo and keep them
9- Mohamed can leak info about operations to gangs and take money for it (100k max)
10- Mohamed can use truth serum on 10-15s

Oghi Flann

Retired Senior State
Nov 7, 2022

Outcome 3: /try to find the bodycam (twice per situation) and /do to destroy it.
Outcome 6: Following gen 6.16
Outcome 10: /try (twice per situation)

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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