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Approved Unban appeal Bugabuse ( Lottery ) | Roberto Fire | 37495

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Jan 26, 2023
Dear Mazhor, yesterday I got banned for the Lottery Ticket bug. I really wasn’t intending on abusing any bug and or profiting of of it. I was made aware that at the 24/7 stores which were set to -50% Lottery Tickets could now be bought for 5.000$ which just sounded like a good deal to me. I went on to buy about 150-200 Tickets enough to get the guaranteed car since I never had it before thinking maybe I would win some nice Prices along the way. After opening the Tickets I realized it was actually profitable which made me rethink the situation coming to the conclusion that it wasn’t intentional. I stopped opening Tickets and went on with my day. But it was too late and at about 10pm i got banned. I was not intentionally abusing any bug and just didn’t think too much when buying the Tickets. I have been playing on Grand RP for almost 3 years now and I really hope the great time I had on the server doesn’t end because of this one mistake I made. I have learned my lesson and will start thinking more about my actions. I have always been obeying the rules and just want to have a fun time playing Roleplay with the awesome people I have met over the long time I’ve been on the Server.

Best Regards
Lulu x3
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