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Alf Althea
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Apr 13, 2024
Time of violation


Jul 6, 2023
This person has stolen several thousand pounds of ammo from our family's warehouse. He was even told to stop in private discord. The screenshots show the discord account 'B00NKGANG' being linked to ID 353957. This person had no permission whatsoever to take such an amount of ammo. He then left the family without returning all the ammunition or guns. Me and my family have taken time to think this over and have just now decided to make this complaint.


Feb 12, 2024
as i explained at the time i used it for a bp task not to sell and i also put over a million into the fam balance and i had put in loads of guns and ammo and helped get the fam points to buy that much guns and ammo, also 6.3. states "It is forbidden to empty the warehouse of the organisation for personal purposes." the susat family is not an organisation and i didnt empty anything i used guns and ammo that we had more then enough of and told you at the time it was to complete a bp task "to break 5 weapons" and being rank 9 gave me permission to as much ammo as we had. also your only posting now because i reported jaya for having 3 twinks and fred for the same thing


Feb 12, 2024
last 2 screenshots also show nothing? and your first screenshot shows me putting things in the warehouse?


Jul 6, 2023
So there are a few points I would like to make. First, you being rank 9 does not mean it’s okay to take thousands of bullets and several 10’s of guns to do a battle pass task. Secondly, that million you put in several months ago was to pay off debts you had for stolen family vehicles. And yes, you did return only a few hundred bullets of ammunition, but that did not cover the several thousand you took. And to further prove the point that you ran off with all that ammo, you left the family instead of restoring what you took. I would just like you to know that our family was unable to do events for an extended period of time because of the loss of weaponry. Lastly, those bottom screenshots show one of our higher-ups telling you to stop, but you then continued and left. It also proves that your Discord account ‘B00NKGANG’ is linked to your in-game account.


Feb 12, 2024
i never got any cra stolen so not sure what "debt" ur talking about and i took 5 guns when i had the task and i left the family because of an argument with the hc and the very inactive leader and i didnt run off with anything in fact i gave you a heavy sniper for free just before leaving and the guns and ammo i took were all used to complete the bp task but twist it whatever way u want and you didnt do events anyway and your lying as i know there was still more then 5k ammo of any that i used and how u gonna do events with 3 members and neither of you are ever on lmao


Jul 6, 2023
We gave you a choice of returning the ammo and we asked you to not do it again and you literally said I’d do it again then left the family for all I know you sold the ammo because I heard from someone you had ten plus million. Maybe you’ve been doing this to other families maybe that’s the reason you got kicked out the outsiders, when you was originally a part of there family. I understand you want to defend yourself but lying won’t help your case. You have provided no proof in the claims you’ve made whereas we have.


Feb 12, 2024
bro yall down bad lmao u think i was selling guns and ammo even tho im not in a gang and ur fam isnt unofficial and i sure as shit didnt make 10 mill from selling shit i done a 500 hour investment and you know that as i told you a hundred times and i aint lying to defend myself your trying to say i was stealing ur shit to sell but u have no proof of that only proof that i used the guns and ammo and as i said it was for a bp task aint no lies there and u know it and how do i provide proof that i shot bullets into the floor for 2 hours to break guns lol also if i stole off the outsiders they wouldnt have let me back in the family which is the real reason yall mad cause i joined a bigger better family that you lot dont like, also u suspect i was taking it to sell yet u never kicked me from the family and didnt post it until a month later and about the same time that 2 of your family members get their accounts banned? seems like youll say anything to try get me banned aswell but all this is cause u mad about jaya and fred
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Feb 12, 2024
also if u look at the first screenshot i put things back into the warehouse and then left 4mins after as i was having an argument with jaya at the time and i wouldnt have put things back in if i was planning on leaving it was just in the moment i was annoyed with jaya and left the family but why would i put things back in if i was stealing from you? clear as day i used the ammo for the bp task then put the ammo and armors that i got from the bp into the storage

Aiden longg

Jan 24, 2024
wrong format a family isnt an org 6.3 is stealing from org better luck next time tho
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Feb 12, 2024
how can i steal shit that i put into the warehouse to start with? i helped earn the fam points to buy all the ammo and guns and i put alot in the warehouse aswell and i never used them until i had that bp task if anything your family profited off me. i put in all my guns and ammo and just over a million to fam balance and never got a car stolen infact i helped save cars that other members got stolen a few times and was also the only active member in the family and most the time was the only one helping the new recruits. also if its "stealing" then why didnt u kick me after the first time i had that challenge u didnt even demote me infact u done nothing until after i left and when jaya and fred got banned and then u reported it as "stealing" because your mad that i got jaya banned and aiden got fred banned and if they didnt constantly rdm us we wouldnt have reported them


May 10, 2024
how can i steal shit that i put into the warehouse to start with? i helped earn the fam points to buy all the ammo and guns and i put alot in the warehouse aswell and i never used them until i had that bp task if anything your family profited off me. i put in all my guns and ammo and just over a million to fam balance and never got a car stolen infact i helped save cars that other members got stolen a few times and was also the only active member in the family and most the time was the only one helping the new recruits. also if its "stealing" then why didnt u kick me after the first time i had that challenge u didnt even demote me infact u done nothing until after i left and when jaya and fred got banned and then u reported it as "stealing" because your mad that i got jaya banned and aiden got fred banned and if they didnt constantly rdm us we wouldnt have reported them
You’re starting to sound very desperate, maybe some time off grand will do you good.

You was told not to take ammo again the first time you did it, then Proceeded to do it again. When asked about it you then said “I don’t give a fuck, the next time i have that challenge ill do it again”.

A few BP guns doesn’t equate to the amount of ammo you took without even asking to take it. A high rank doesn’t mean you can just take and use what you want without asking. A few hundred ammo that no one uses doesn’t make it acceptable. Putting a little mil im the family when there’s people that we don’t even know putting more that in, doesn’t make it acceptable.

giving all the “I was the only one doing anything”; You was the only one active because we was sick of telling a grown man how to act when in a video game.

I’d suggest saying no more cos honestly you’re not making it look good on yourself, and let your precious gods decide.
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Feb 12, 2024
You’re starting to sound very desperate, maybe some time off grand will do you good.

You was told not to take ammo again the first time you did it, then Proceeded to do it again. When asked about it you then said “you don’t give a fuck, the next time you have that challenge you’ll do it again”.

A few BP guns doesn’t equate to the amount of ammo you took without even asking to take it. A high rank doesn’t mean you can just take and use what you want without asking. A few hundred ammo that no one uses doesn’t make it acceptable. Putting a little mil im the family when there’s people that we don’t even know putting more that in, doesn’t make it acceptable.

giving all the “I was the only one doing anything”; You was the only one active because we was sick of telling a grown man how to act when in a video game.

I’d suggest saying no more cos honestly you’re not making it look good on yourself, and let your precious gods decide.
i still put in alot more then i took and you sound desperate af making a new forum account just to reply to this lmao and so you admit that u knew it was for a bp task and you all benefitted from my bp not just me, i took out 10 guns but put in atleast 20 and yeah i took out alot of ammo but i also put in alot aswell and barely ever used it unless i had a challenge but what about you lot using thousands of ammo just to have a rdm war with lasedra or we the opps i dont remember any of you asking alf before doing that? and justified it by saying "it was fun" so as u said save your breathe n leave it to the gods to decide and as i said yous are all just pissed that your banned on a game none of you even want to play anymore, you only come on just to rdm people and your just trying to ruin the game for one more person

Aiden longg

Jan 24, 2024
So there are a few points I would like to make. First, you being rank 9 does not mean it’s okay to take thousands of bullets and several 10’s of guns to do a battle pass task. Secondly, that million you put in several months ago was to pay off debts you had for stolen family vehicles. And yes, you did return only a few hundred bullets of ammunition, but that did not cover the several thousand you took. And to further prove the point that you ran off with all that ammo, you left the family instead of restoring what you took. I would just like you to know that our family was unable to do events for an extended period of time because of the loss of weaponry. Lastly, those bottom screenshots show one of our higher-ups telling you to stop, but you then continued and left. It also proves that your Discord account ‘B00NKGANG’ is linked to your in-game account.
alf ur acting like ur family went to events u never done anything but rdm and sit and antiafk in ur house ur family was breaking mutliple rules including gr 1.4 bug abuse mass rdm and the lot if anyone should be banned it should be the entire susat famly getting permas for mass rule breaking and dont say he stole from the outsiders he was kicked for a reason and is back now so he clearly didnt steal thank u and have a nice day.
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Jul 6, 2023
alf ur acting like ur family went to events u never done anything but rdm and sit and antiafk in ur house ur family was breaking mutliple rules including gr 1.4 bug abuse mass rdm and the lot if anyone should be banned it should be the entire susat famly getting permas for mass rule breaking and dont say he stole from the outsiders he was kicked for a reason and is back now so he clearly didnt steal thank u and have a nice day.
Aiden id like to see some evidence of me personally committing gr 1.4 anti afk and mass rdm.
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