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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Caramila Gonzalez
Administrators nickname
Dexter Broddy
May 11, 2024

Sierra Killa

Jul 7, 2021
I recently got banned for saying "I am back cash negro" in CC. I did not mean to say in club chat and I see how it may be perceived as the N word but I did not mean it in this way. I was also banned for 14 days when just the other day someone had said the actual N word in cc and he was only banned for 2 days. I promise this will not happen again I try my best to abide by the rules as I do not have a long punishment history including CC punishments. Please reconsider my punishment as in the rules it is 6.19 F-words and N-words are restricted. | Ban 1-3 days. Thank you for reviewing.

Dexter Broddy

Будь мужчиной
Server Administrator
Oct 22, 2022
Saying N word is prohibited and Grand rp community is not tolrating any kind of raicism and the word u said in cc is doing raicism in a very hard way and disrespectful way and raicism leads to perma ban not only 14 days and when someone banned only 2 days for n word doesn’t mean we give soft punishment for raicism so just ( yeah lemme do it its only 2 days ban and i will come back ) its not like that and ur ban still stay in my side thanks for understanding

Sierra Killa

Jul 7, 2021
I recently got banned for saying "I am back cash negro" in CC. I did not mean to say in club chat and I see how it may be perceived as the N word but I did not mean it in this way. I was also banned for 14 days when just the other day someone had said the actual N word in cc and he was only banned for 2 days. I promise this will not happen again I try my best to abide by the rules as I do not have a long punishment history including CC punishments. Please reconsider my punishment as in the rules it is 6.19 F-words and N-words are restricted. | Ban 1-3 days. Thank you for reviewing.
Please close forum. I will just accept my punishment. Again I am sorry for my actions and I now see why Dexter has given me 14 day ban. He is right and I will not do it again in the future.
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