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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Joe Mage
Administrators nickname
Lavi Pluxury
May 14, 2024
https://imgur.com/a/zvUXbGu https://imgur.com/a/yLTo7C3 https://imgur.com/a/peZxnua

Deadman Mage

Leader of unofficial org
Apr 26, 2022
It started about a week or so ago when Lavi approached one of my fam members saying that people were complaining about her name and that it was unrealistic. Her name was Kat Killa. There are lots of Killa's in city. Her name Kat, which Lavi told her was unrealistic, is short for Katherine. Obviously not unrealistic at all.

Then Lavi decided to come after me. Didnt approach me in city but instead chose the format of the unofficial family channel in grand RP discord. Said my name, Deadman Mage, was a noun and unrealistic. I have been in city with the name Deadman for over 2 years. Not one admin has said anything and I talk with several admins in game on a day to day basis. Senior admins had no problem with my name when applying for unofficial. Deadman is a real surname! I tried to explain to Lavi that many names are nouns and that after 2 years, a name change would be useless in the Grand RP unofficial family channel.

I woke this morning to Tyrell saying admins can and should approach any player IC about a name change and that Grand RP unofficial family channel was not the place for the discussion and he is correct. I then noticed my name changed to Joe Mage. Now here is the part that has me filling the complaint. After telling my IRL wife, she tells me that Lavi hit her up in email DM's asking for common American names for boys. She gave him 3, Gru, Gavin and JOE!!!! Guess what my name was changed to without contacting me in game like he should, Joe. I find it HIGHLY unprofessional and borderline creepy to contact my IRL wife and try to trick her into renaming me.

It doesnt stop there. Kat messaged me this morning with another creepy text from Lavi last night. Lavi was asking in email DM's for her Grand RP forums name. She asked why and he responded so he could ban her. Then told her it was to tag her in something for an org although she hasnt been tagged as of yet.

Before I was told by Kat and my wife Peach about their interactions last night with Lavi I wrote a DM to Lavi asking him if we had somehow upset him. It is as follows:
"Has myself or members of my family done something to upset you? The past couple weeks it has felt like you may be targeting us. First with telling Kat to change her name even though its a very common name. And then me asking me to change my name because its a noun and you dont believe it to be realistic. Unfortunately at this point, having the name Deadman in city for over 2 years will leave everyone calling me by Deadman no matter what it says above my head. I didnt change it right away because I thought I would get a response from you after realizing its been over 2 years, no other admin has mentioned it and that everyone will still call me Deadman making a name change useless.

I dont know you but have always heard nice things about you. And if me or anyone in my family has upset you I would love to rectify it if possible. I like to think I am a pretty nice guy and I get along with most everyone I run across in city and real life. So if I have done something to upset you, I will try my best to make it right."

I then sent him a link to the origins of the surname Deadman. Deadman Name Meaning, Family History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms

If I had known about his conversations with my IRL wife and Kat in DM's, I would not have sent him a message at all but went straight here to file a complaint.
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