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Tommy Gold

Think like a millionaire, hustle like you're broke
May 15, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Yahya
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+1, London // server time
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: tommygold.
6. Your Nickname: Tommy Gold
7. Your ID: 143940


Additional information
1. Leader of… LifeInvader

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

📻 Firstly, my experience in this organisation is unrivalled. I can be said to have been the architect of LifeInvader’s resurrection 8 months ago to make it what it is today. I have handled countless tickets, posted dozens of CNNs and broadcasts and overseen the training of several Supervisors and Managers amongst other things. As CEO, I broke all records and ended 2 great terms with only one small verbal that was not related to the work of the org. Sadly, since then we have had both good and bad leaders but I haven’t seen the good old days return. In the most recent term, I worked closely with Sully RaNell, as his Head Executive, to fix the structure of the org which I can say we have done! I want to continue the work we have done so it was not done in vain

📻 Aside from being the CEO and Head Executive, I served as Director of Human Resources under Nor Calispo, where I made sure our HCs were testing Trainees correctly to ensure we avoided any mistakes with ADs once they had passed and gained access to the PDA. I also served as Director of Events under Vamsi Nani where I hosted more events than any single term since my own, I also assumed direct control of this department in our current term to ensure that we are regularly hosting unique and engaging events for the citizens of Los Santos

📻 In my first leadership, we took over a term riddled with many issues. The term preceding me accumulated many warnings and verbals whereas mine did not. I worked tirelessly alongside my deputies, Ammar Alissa, Nor Slater and my team to create one of the most active terms in LifeInvader history. And I am proud to say we succeeded! This was something that was made explicitly clear to me in curator chat by the former Senior State and that can be confirmed by our wonderful current Senior State. Unfortunately, instead of taking a thriving org and maintaining its reputation, the leader who succeeded me returned to the days before the ‘Golden’ era of LifeInvader and the org has not fully recovered since. After working day and night over the past term to revive LifeInvader, I do not want to see this happen again

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

-- Our main priority is ADs. This is a given. Over the last term, we made sure to promote competent HCs that can effectively test prospective employees and assess their English skills. As such, we have had a minimal number of complaints. I look forward to building on this
-- I have extensive experience in both News and Events. I want to bring back the numbers we saw in my terms with nearly 60 high quality CNN videos, over 60 articles and nearly 40 events
-- To do the above, I will make sure to hire competent people for the position of Directors as without a good team we are nothing
-- Not only do I have experience as CEO on EN1, but also EN3. I will bring the resources I saw used by the thriving creative team over there to bring a touch of vibrancy to our CNNs
-- LifeInvader is one organisation that needs to be active 24/7, with no exceptions. To achieve this, the first thing I will do upon taking leadership is assess how many employees and HCs we have in each shift (Day and Night shift). Relying on that information, I will open applications focussing on specific timezones
-- Regularly host whole-org and HC meetings to take onboard suggestions about how to improve and implement these
-- State organisations hold promotion ceremonies and this is something I think can be introduced for LifeInvader for some added roleplay to our weekly promotion lists
-- We tested removing some ranks this term to create a more tight knit environment. This for the most part has worked well. I will take on any suggestions and see how we can utilise some empty rank spaces for the betterment of roleplay
-- A lot of employees, including senior ranking ones, have forgotten the basics of how we work. I don’t know during which term this was made acceptable but it’s something that I will not tolerate. I will drill the essence of professionalism into every Invader
-- People underestimate LifeInvader as an easy path to leadership, ignoring the fact that it is truly one of the most difficult organisations to manage successfully. I can guarantee that very few people can match the standard of leadership I can offer

Thank you for reading through my application!

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