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Derek Cullen

Mar 27, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Anubhav Gupta
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : GMT + 5:30 (India)
4. Average online per day : 5-7 hours
5. Your Discord : derek.xd
6. Your Nickname : Derek Wix
7. Your ID : 72868

Leader of : National Guard
Why do you want to be a leader of this
specific organization?

• Out of all the Leo's, I have spent my maximum time in NG which is 2 terms, so I know the working and the atmosphere of
this organization very well and I have been in FIB,GOV,LSPD,SAHP,EMS and also I have been High Command in many orgs and also NG was my first
organization that I joined after arriving in this city, so being the leader of my first organization is my dream

• I have often seen that NG becomes inactive and pull up less numbers to events due to the low bonuses and also the gates
go empty due to this problem, I will solve this problem by giving a good amount of bonuses in and also I will host regular
events for the citizens through state waves which will improve and make a good relation between Citizens and NG and I will
attract them to join NG

• I will also make High Commands only those people who deserve that position and not those people who doesn't deserve,
in simple words there will be no favoritism in my term and only deserving people will get High Command and those who
are working hard for the organization and those who are inactive as HC, they will face straight demotion and a strike/warning from my side If any Deputy or High Command breaks server rules, they will get directly blacklisted from the Organization and I will hear
no excuses from their side because I want to end my term with 0 warnings. Only the people who follow server rules and internal rules of NG will stay in my organization.

• Due to my vast experience in LEO's as High Command, I know the values and responsibilities of a good leader and I also know how to maintain good relationship with other LEO's and work together, After all the LEO's have a same goal which is to protect the citizens of this state By maintaining good relations with other organizations, I will make sure to conduct joint operations in order to promote immersive roleplay scenarios
To enhance the roleplay experience and elevate NG RP to the next level, I am considering adding various departments in NG

Departments under my Term


Responsible for handling internal affairs and maintaining discipline within the ranks. They will conduct bodycam checks, background checks (BGC), activity checks, license checks, and also work to reduce corruption in the military so that the organization operates perfectly.


Tasked with executing high-risk and specialized operations, showcasing expertise in stealth, intelligence gathering, and precision strikes. They will provide ground assistance to soldiers in case of FZ Raids and attend all events like ACC, subs, bank protection, store robberies, etc. It would consist of only those people who are good at shooting, and the HOD/Curator of this department will choose the members from the soldiers. Soldiers who want to join would have to pass a special test to join this department, and special names would be given to the members of this department.


Manages recruitment, training, and ensures the organization has the necessary manpower and skills to fulfill its missions effectively. They will recruit new individuals, conduct interviews, maintain their records, and provide them with the best training so that the new recruits can perform their best and protect the FZ and STATE.


Conducts air operations and state scouting missions, utilizing aircraft for reconnaissance and air support. They will conduct sky patrols around FZ on a daily basis or before the prime time of FZ Raids and provide air training to new individuals who want to join the Air Force. They will also provide air assistance in any event like ACC, subs, BM Raids, Bank protection etc.

I also have a ranking system in mind:
=== General Officers ===
30. General
29. Lt General
28. Major
27. Brigaider General
26. Colonel
25. LT Colonel
=== Commissioned Officers ===
24. Major
23. Captain
22. 1st Lieutenant
21. 2nd Lieutenant
20. Command Sergeant Major
=== Non-Commissioned Officers ===
19. Master Gunnery Sergeant
18. Sergeant Major
17. First Sergeant
16. Master Sergeant
15. Sergeant First Class
14. Staff Sergeant
13. Sergeant
12. Corporal
11. Specialist II
=== Enlisted Personnel ===
10. Specialist
09. Private First Class
08. Private
07. Lance Corporal
06. Lance Sergeant
05. Soldier
04. National Guard
=== In Training===
03. Cadet
02. Trainee
01. Suspended

Bonus System -
Subs - 60K
Gatekeeping - 30K per hour
ACC - 30K
Bank Protection - 30K
Gang Raid - 25K
BM Raid - 25K
Ghetto Patrolling - 25K
Store Robbery - 20k
Prison Protection - 20k
Ammo Run - 15K
FZ Raid - 10k

derek wix​
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