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Ghost Seagal

Apr 3, 2024
1. Your name IRL:Ali Akbar
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-7 Hours
5. Your Discord: aa__live
6. Your Nickname:Ali
7. Your ID: 66976


Leader of: South Andreas Highway Patrol(SAHP)

The Reasons You Should Choose Me Over Every Other Applications Are:

  1. Proven Leadership and Experience: I bring years of experience in law enforcement with a strong background in leadership roles. My time managing teams and coordinating large-scale operations has prepared me to effectively lead the South Andreas Highway Patrol. My ability to inspire and guide officers will ensure our patrol remains efficient and effective.
  2. Commitment to Public Safety: Public safety has always been my top priority. I have consistently worked to improve road safety and reduce traffic incidents through strategic planning and proactive measures. My dedication to making our highways safer for everyone sets me apart and aligns with the mission of the SAHP.
  3. Community Engagement and Communication: Building strong relationships with the community is essential for effective law enforcement. I have a proven track record of engaging with the public, understanding their concerns, and fostering trust. My excellent communication skills enable me to connect with both the community and my team, ensuring transparency and cooperation.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization:

Honestly I think that i can bring the level of roleplay in this org to a different level

  1. Enhance Training Programs: Implement immersive training sessions focused on realistic and challenging scenarios. Regular workshops and refreshers will help everyone improve and stay up-to-date with new RolePlay techniques.
  2. Foster Creativity: Encourage officers to develop their characters and storylines creatively. Regular brainstorming sessions and collaborative meetings can generate fresh ideas and keep our RolePlay dynamic and engaging.
  3. Use Realistic Communication: Adopt realistic radio communication protocols. Training on proper radio etiquette and codes will make interactions more authentic and immersive.
  4. Incorporate Real-Life Scenarios: Integrate real-life situations like traffic stops, accident responses, and high-speed chases into our RolePlay. This helps officers practice handling these events in a controlled environment.
  5. Leverage Technology: Use in-game tools, mods, and scripts to add depth and realism. Advanced dispatch systems and detailed incident reports can make our RolePlay environment more lifelike.
  6. Establish Feedback Mechanisms: Create a feedback system for constructive criticism. Peer reviews and community feedback will help us continuously improve and refine our RolePlay skills.


This department will take interviews and hire new employees for citizen. They will provide
training make logs manage roles and give badges.

2.Internal Affairs(IA): This department will take care of all employees that are they working properly not making some issue for org.
they will check for licenses check the employees regularly and will solve the fights between employees.checking bodycam
and logs activity and handle complaints about employees.

3.Patrolling of Highways(PHW): This department will do patrolling give fines tow vehicles.They will issue license plates
and insurance and they do HQ gate keeping

4.Special Operations and Crime Department (SOCD): This department will take care of all criminal activities they arrest wanted peoples. The
speciallity of this department is that they take care of he Matter Of Robberies as Well Hostage Situation And Will Be Taking The Lead. This Department Will Have The Permission to use Heavy Machineries For Their Operations. They Will Hunt Criminals & Attend ATM Robs & House Robs.

5.Public Relations(PR): This department plays a key role in building community relationships, managing media interactions, and ensuring effective communication. We organize community events, handle media inquiries, issue press releases, and maintain our social media presence. During emergencies, our focus is on keeping the public informed with timely and accurate information, helping to maintain trust and transparency with our community.

---------------------------------------------CHAIN OF COMMAND-------------------------------------------

Deputy Sheriff
Assistant Sheriff
Chief of Staff
SO Handler
Head of Department
Deputy Head of Department

-------High Command--------
Supervisor of Department
Chief Commander
Chief of Area
Master Sergeant
Senior Sergeant
Junior Sergeant
Junior Sergeant
Master Corporal
Senior Corporal
Traffic Control
Traffic officer
Master Trooper
Trooper 3
Trooper 2

Trooper 1

Ghost Seagal

Apr 3, 2024
I accidently wrote 2 times jr sergeant i aplogize for it and propose a new rank instead of one jr sergeant its experienced officer

Chanush Movva

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Dec 15, 2022

Learn about server rules, server functions and spend more time in the server as a player to learn all things in the server before applying to become a leader.
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