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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
Your ID
Players nickname
Brett Kors
Administrators nickname
Ruby Specter
Jun 17, 2024

Brett Saint

Mar 30, 2024
Dear Admin,

I was recently banned for 14 days for what I perceive as an unjust punishment. I was banned for server and admin disrespect, for some context I will tell you about the lead up to the incident. I was being arrested and an officer was not using him common sense, when I was speaking with him, the word "autistic" slipped out of my mouth and I was posted on the government website for it. I asked a admin what the ban length would be for the word I used, he responded with the following, "Depending on the reviewing admin". I responded with "unjust justice system if it depends on the admin reviewing, biases would change the outcome. Very stupid please rethink" In this message I was no way insulting the admins of the server. I was purely speaking my mind on the unjust punishments that would result in biased decisions. If a admin who has never had a loved one suffer from a mental illness they would treat my case differently then one whos sibling suffered from a mental illness and underwent discrimination because of it. I believe it should be set in stone what a punishment should be and not up to the reviewing admin that could be affected by moods or biases. For the second part of the ban, I understand how it may seem I am disrespecting the server, and while I may admit I think that OOC punishments should be treated and approached differently than how they are at the moment, I still love this server and spend countless hours a day spending my time playing it. I can understand a minor punishment for my actions but a 14 day ban seems ridiculous and unjust for the things I said. In no way was I insulting any admin, or the server for that matter, I was simply insulting the way OOC punishments are approached. Please take in to consideration what I am referring to when I say stupid as that is the only disrespectful word used in that statement.



Alex Odd

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
for that OOC insult u should get 30 days ban so u a lucky with only 14 days for disrespect

Brett Saint

Mar 30, 2024
for that OOC insult u should get 30 days ban so u a lucky with only 14 days for disrespect
In the discord is claims “ 3.1 Insulting of the person (OOC) is strictly prohibited |Mute 180 minutes or ban up to 7 days.” If the R-Slur is only 3 how would autistic be 30, genuinely curious.
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