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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Jun 29, 2024


i am not a goldfish
Apr 26, 2023
Hello dear Mazhor,

I hope your day has been great. I recently got banned originally by Anderson Fade for Admin Disrespect in DMs (thread: Rejected - Admin Disrespect in DMs | Anderson Fade) which was closed by Alex Odd. Upon posting the thread, I was unbanned before a response was given on it by an unknown admin and I continued playing the game without talking to Anderson other than asking him why I was unbanned. During this period I also did not talk to any admins other than the ones I am friends with OOCly. I woke up today to find myself permanently blocked as well as my social club due to Admin Disrespect, even though I do not recall ever talking negatively about anyone in the admin team let alone the project itself, as Grand has brought me a lot of joy in the last couple of months.

After my recent ban for 1.1 due to my account being hacked, I've been on my best behavior regarding punishments other than a couple mistakes here and there. As an ex-leader who worked very hard on both of my terms as well as improving the organization to the best of my capabilities through the countless hours I spent on the server, I am kindly requesting for this situation to be looked at again and possibly decrease my ban of Admin Disrespect or for it to be entirely appealed. I genuinely enjoy GRP and have been having fun alongside my family members ICly and my friends while playing this game daily whenever I'm able to. I have never intended to insult anyone in the admin team nor the project, and I thank you for taking the time out of your day to review my appeal 🩷 If any evidence is needed from my side I will gladly provide it on discord (.willows. or .wil.lows.)

I accept a wipe if you feel necessary, I only want to be able to hang out and chill with my friends.

Anderson Fade

May 8, 2023

so you didnot get unbanned and perm banned for diferent reason it was all for the same reason (admin disrespect)

you always calling me biased, targetting you, doing favourism and even said i target u even before i become admin, so when u were a leader of sahp you were on (2/3) warnings first week and i as a player had proof of u metagaming , ub demand if i was targetting you as what you claiming , 1 simple complaint about players and your org would have been disbanded.

after becoming admin you called me dumb for no reason, i didnot ban you for it
every punishment i give u , you say i am targetting you . i have no point or reason to target you.

You are banned for GR1.1 , 1.6 before and you said you improved your behavior but it seems totally the opposite.

Your lspd , fib , corrupt bio were all rejected by different admins for a reason.

you are still provoing multiple players and disrespecting admins after getting a chance after 2 perm bans


i am not a goldfish
Apr 26, 2023
First and foremost I would like to sincerely apologize to you. I want to briefly explain why I mentioned you were targeting me. I was initially informed by an ex player who was your close friend (Emran, ) that you said in VC that your goal is to permanently ban me during my leadership of SAHP. Instinctually every warning or punishment you gave me felt like a personal target, being that when I would say something or nothing at all in CC I would get a mute but “XXX” would say the same but wouldn’t get muted for toxicity or mixing. However the first time I called you "dumb dumb" was me thinking we were still friends as before, as if you remember correct we used to joke around like that. In no way, shape or form did I intend to insult you, just stating the situation that happened prior ( ). I also won't share personal DMs showing the conversations of before that we had as I don't mean to leak private DMs.

It was never my intention to disrespect you or anyone and I realize what I personally DM’d you was harsh and unnecessary. I do not have anything personally against you whatsoever or anyone in the project. You once issued me a warning for RDM when I was in ghetto ( ) where I then claimed it to be favoritism because I was in ghetto. You were told to remove my warning and to issue me a reimbursement, which you can check from my punishment history, which I appreciated a lot.

For more context about what everything else:
My banning for GR 1.1 was unintentional, it was me getting hacked, and my ban was appealed almost instantly which I'm very grateful for. Here it is: Approved - Unban Appeal GR 1.1 | Jonny Odds I have nothing to say about my ban for 1.6, as that's my 294999 account. I'm appealing the punishment on my 285130 account.

My corrupt bios were never rejected, my LSPD bio was rejected as I left the org (Rejected - LSPD Corrupt Bio | Willow BIossom | 285130) and I misunderstood Jonny's words about my corrupt bio in FIB as Deputy ( ). He never personally rejected me getting one. I was praised by some of the curators of FIB as I was doing a good job myself. I may make mistakes here and there, but I have always wanted the best for the project.

Even if the ban sticks, I just wanted to take this opportunity to apologize. Just for clarification, this complaint wasn't a direct complaint at Anderson, I'm simply looking to possibly appeal my punishment or decrease its duration. To Mazhor, thank you for allowing me to be both Leader and Deputy in the project, and it truly is an amazing one. Thank you for your time.

Alex Odd

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
You had millions of chances u get multiple times banned and each time after unban u continue to DISRESPECT server rules
to Blackmail !
You a fully toxic and rude person whom does not deserve any new chances and are not welcomed on EN1
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