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Jun 1, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Cuciureanu Marius Vlad
2. Your age: 25
3. Time zone: UTC+2
4. Average online per day: I will can stay every day 4 hours in time of week, in weekend i can be IC for 10 hours.
5. Your Discord: mariuscmv99
6. Your Nickname: Baldwin Morningstar
7. Your ID: 370994

Additional information
I want to take over the management of the Emergency Medical Department
Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
  1. I. I want to try to eliminate some unfair things within the department, I want to make sure that every person in this department is treated equally, with respect and that everyone is rewarded according to the work they do for this wonderful organization.
  2. II. I want to be with EMS from the leadership position, in order to be able to implement the changes that I would like and that I would consider fair and equitable for all employees. And I'd love to share them with you:
    1. Granting independence to each department, each DC having the authority to manage its department independently.No one can assign ranks within this department, except for the department's DC. This would help to fight against favouritism.
    2. Changing the rank system, depending on the hours worked in each lobby.
    3. Creating a special channel, where each employee who considers that he has met the criteria to ask for the deserved rank.
    4. Creating a night division, better paid, once you join this division you will be paid better and you will start in the organization with a higher rank.
    5. In addition to the usual bonuses, I want to add a certain amount of extra money for each rank.
    6. Changing the bonus system, in a fairer, fairer and more challenging way.
    7. Changing the rank of COO (Chief Of Operation) to Supervisor of Staff, a redesigned position, with attributions in replacing a DC when he is in the LOA, 2 active people who can replace anyone at any time when needed. With attributions also in the internal affairs department.
    8. Improving and creating special channels for those in internal affairs.
  3. III. We are all aware that this position is a fleeting one, I do not want the position for a pleasant history or to be better seen in the city, I want this position just for the sake of being with this organization and the wonderful people in it, I believe that this is the duty of any person who wants to be the leaders of any organization. To understand everyone, to be fair and at the end of each day and your term, to be satisfied with your work done correctly.
(3) Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
  1. First of all, we need to improve the way those in HC relate to those under their command, we are here to help them and always be close to them, with effective communication and always with the availability to be there.
  2. Improving the way EMS relates to citizens, I would like to carry out certain campaigns in key points of the city, where citizens can come and ask us different questions about what life is like as a doctor.
  3. I want to hold at least one open day, in which those who want to come and see what it is like in our organization, to receive the fresher rank and to be close to an HC for a few minutes and to be able to see our work from the inside.
  4. Carrying out controls during meetings, in collaboration with police departments, to verify the obligation of employees to have health insurance.
  5. Organizing events for citizens, so that we can get closer to them and make our presence known.
May God bless EMS, the other applicants and all of us. May the best for EMS be its future leader.
Thank you for your time​

Mandy Shakespeare

Jul 6, 2024
He is always true with his personality and helps everyone who come to him. He is always positive and confidence with his descision which makes him good leader
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