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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Jun 23, 2024

Marla Singer

Jul 10, 2024
Greetings Sir Lebron,

First of all, I congratulate you on being curator of project.

After a long time I commited one rule break and after that I get Blacklisted too many bans.
I just want to say something about my blacklist.

I am now a reformed player who thoroughly understands the rules.I apologize to everyone for all the rule breaks and bans I have done so far, and additionally, I apologize to everyone I have wronged in front of you. I have realized all my mistakes, and eighty percent of my bans were due to GR 3.2. I will not swear or do such ugliness again. I have faith in your sense of fairness and hope that my appeal, coming from someone with a clean record and a commitment to following the rules, will be considered gladly. I have read many requests, and I believe you genuinely strive to assist. I am an active and well-liked member of the community, always eager to help others. Money holds no importance to me my friends and GRAND RP here mean everything.

I once successfully passed the gang leadership interview and after that I took the lead Marabunta. However, due to an for a reason beyond my control OOC reason, I unfortunately violated LR 1.1 rule, which has left me deeply disappointed. I sincerely apologize for this.

During my time in this project, I have experienced many sweet moments and made numerous friends. These friends of mine constantly wish to see me by their side, spending time together in Grand RP. I introduced many of them to this project, taught them what they needed to know, and assisted them in progressing along this path. I do my best to be active on server. I do my best to help everyone on the server. Almost everyone knows me and knows that I don't care about income and just want to help people.

You can delete the money I accept that.

I am asking for a fresh start in this project and kindly requesting permission to return and reunite with my friends. I promise not to violate any rules, and I solemnly swear to you that I trust in your sense of justice.

I am requesting one last chance.

I can accept only the unbanning of my main account.
Main account: 108096

You can leave the ban on my alt account in place.
Alt account: 110920

Some of my ban evidence:

And my last ban:
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