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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Downey Hill
Administrators nickname
Lebrone Pluxury
Jul 15, 2024


Jul 15, 2024
First of all, hello,

I have been on your server for over a 2 years. I was banned for allegedly trading money in-game. However, I have never interacted with anyone in your game by trading money in real life.

For over 2 years i have tried to take part in the game by following all your rules as much as I can. I have never acted against the game rules. I have made minor mistakes. my family and I have tried to recruit players by broadcasting regularly. I am a well-known office owner and family owner. I have never violated the rules of the game by doing an illegal business. I took part in your server as much as I could, respecting my competitors.

I am honored to take part in this project you have opened. I have built a nice team with the solid friendships I have established here, I have a respectful team of 150-200 people and 25-35 years old. Of these, 30-35 players are constantly online. I am constantly trying to attract players to this project in our broadcasts. I did not expect support from any administrator for this.

I have only bought GCs 3-4 times. 1 time with the admin "SPY Rider" and other times I bought GCs in-game. I have receipts for them. Also, when GC sales were closed on the forum, I talked to the admin named SPY Rider and made a trade at a time when GC transfers were made over the phone. I asked him because he was an admin and he told me that I could buy from admins. I did not buy from anyone else with real money. I did NOT BUY MONEY FROM ANYONE. I have no connection with the players in question 256090 and 183004 in real life. you can check my bank accounts. I have traded with many players in the game. but I have never made a purchase with real money.I don't mean to question your decision, but I didn't buy items or money from anyone.

I did in-game trade with many people. Even my family members have thrown money to support through family balance. but I have never interacted with anyone with real money.

i request that the situation be checked again.


Jul 15, 2024
I am 256090 I don’t even know who is it , I do a lot of reselling in the city and buy and sell to many people but I’ve never made transactions out of the game I followed ever rule when it came to purchasing items sometimes I score good deals sometimes I lose money on deal but I never traded out the game and don’t understand why I am punished there is literally nothing that shows I traded irl every trade I ever made was according to rules with me I’ve been in grand for about a year and half half and never had a problem buying in game items and selling them for in game cash I have 0 bans for the year and half that I’ve been here and this is my first ban so breaking rules is never my intention in the city I would kindly suggest re investing that situation as no rules where broken I don’t even know what situation it is but guess this is where it lead me to
I don't even remember if we traded in-game. I didn't have any interaction with you. even if we did, we didn't do anything illegal. we didn't buy or sell anything in-game with real money. this is a big injustice.
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