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Feb 20, 2023

Basic Information​

  1. Real Name: Mizzar
  2. Age: 25
  3. Time Zone: Sweden (GMT+2)
  4. Average Daily Online Time: 6-8h
  5. Discord: mizzars
  6. Nickname: Mizzar Vance
  7. ID: 9085
Chief of Police: Mizzar Vance
Deputies: Ikarus Vance & Silver Vance

Additional Information Role

Why I Want to Lead This Organization

Experience and Insight: Having served as the Executive Assistant Chief of LSPD, I've gained a deep understanding of what strategies work and which don't. My tenure, though occasionally stressful, has been largely successful. Additionally, I have 4 terms of working experience including roles as the Head of HR, and Chief of Staff of PE. I also worked for FIB. These positions have equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of various facets of law enforcement and organisational management. I'm committed to fostering enthusiasm among officers with incentives like bonuses, prizes, and weekly promotions for those excelling in their roles.

Promoting Roleplay (RP): I am passionate about encouraging RP within the city, seeing LSPD as the cornerstone of this effort. I aim for our police presence to make all citizens, especially newcomers, feel safe and supported. This includes officers being approachable for questions and able to guide citizens effectively. Additionally, I want to implement ride-alongs for citizens, allowing them to patrol with senior officers, enhancing their understanding of both the city and LSPD.

Organizational Potential and Collaboration: I see immense potential in LSPD and aspire to make it the leading organization in the city. This includes ramping up recruitment and training with streamlined training videos. New recruits will begin in towing, mentored by senior officers to ensure they are well-prepared for future challenges. Furthermore, I envision strong secondary departments like SWAT and Fugitive Task Force, collaborating closely with other organizations like FIB and SAHP for efficient crime-solving and rapid response.
I believe LSPD is foundational to legal organizations in the city. Decisions will be team-oriented, with feedback from all officers encouraged and rewarded. This approach aims to maintain a motivated and cohesive workforce, where everyone feels their opinions and ideas matter.

Advice for Enhancing Roleplay in the Organization

Proper Use of Commands: Ensure accurate command usage for tasks like issuing fines, towing vehicles, and operating bodycams.

Example commands:
  • /me runs hand along window to find VIN number.
  • /me turns on bulletproof/waterproof bodycam and checks for red light. /do it is recording.
  • /me breaks open trunk (officers must have a crowbar in inventory).

Inter-Organizational Meetings: Hold regular meetings with leaders of other organizations to foster good relationships, ensuring mutual respect and cooperation among workforces.

Maintaining In-Character (IC) Interactions: Encourage officers to stay in character as much as possible, minimizing breaks from roleplay.

Roleplay Engagement Incentives: Motivate officers to engage in roleplay through bonuses and incentives. By maintaining character, officers set a standard that encourages citizens to do the same, reinforcing our mission to protect and serve the community.

Transforming LSPD: My top priority will be to transform the LSPD into a more professional organization and make it a beloved institution by the public. First, I will establish discipline and a sense of duty within the organization. After achieving this, I will initiate collaborations and meetings with other organizations. I will approach all officers equally, regardless of their rank. By maintaining cooperation and internal balance among departments, I will appoint experts in their respective fields. I will prioritize role-playing (RP), and I will not tolerate toxicity or inappropriate behavior. I will motivate my staff to work more diligently through incentive bonuses and enjoyable events that I plan to organize.

Chain of Command of LSPD

30. Chief of police
29.Deputy chief of police
28 Police Commander
27 Chief of Staff
26 . Head of Department
25 .Deputy Head of Department
24 . Supervisor
23 . Superintendent
22 . Commissioner
21. Captain
20 . Lieutenant Major
19 . Sergeant Major
18 . Major
17 .Master Lieutenant
16 . Senior Lieutenant
15 . Lieutenant
14 .Master Sergeant
. 13 .Senior Sergeant
12 . Sergeant
11 . Master Corporal
10 . Senior Corporal
9 . Corporal
8 . Master Patrol Officer
7 . Senior Patrol Officer
6 . Patrol Officer
5 . Master Towing Officer
4 . Senior Towing Officer
3. Towing Officer
1 .Trainee


Ethan Pluxury

Dec 22, 2022

You have been selected for LSPD interview!

The interview will take place on Tuesday, 30/07/2024 at 17:00 ST (Server Time)

Please contact us on Discord within 24 hours.
Arj Pluxury (argentiny)
Ethan Pluxury (ethan_495)
Jack Verlice (404m)​
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