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Rejected Leader of Los Santos Police Department | Bobz Carter

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Bobb Carter

May 28, 2024

1.Your name IRL Pedram
2. Your age 30
3. Time zone UK GMT 0
4. Average online per day 8-12 hours
5. Your Discord pcarter2455
6. Your Nickname Bobz Carter
7. Your ID 380893

Additional information

1. Leader of

Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have been in this organization for 3 terms now, I started from the bottom and have worked my way up through the ranks.
During this time I have spent a lot of time shadowing and observing experienced people in the force who had grasped the correct concept of how to deal with procedures correctly. I have learned from other people's mistakes as well as my own because we have to recognize everyone makes mistakes, whether to learn from them or continue making the same mistakes and not do things the correct way.
During my time in LSPD and progress through the ranks into high command, I joined every division to get a feel for how each department contributes to the bigger picture. I have also progressed through other department ranks for my contribution and willingness to be a helping hand when other departments required support whilst managing my own division - head department S.W.A.T (special weapons and tactics).
I'm currently the head of multiple departments.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I believe in kindness, being courteous and respectful both OOCly and ICLY. The key lies in taking the time out to correct people's mistakes as we all have been there at one stage of our life where we started with nothing or have never got the chance to experience all aspects of RP from different organizational perspectives and gain knowledge. It's about molding people into the image and shape you want them to be. Some require more time to be trained and taught all the rules, some are quick learners and it's down to the individual, and necessary time should be invested into all individuals.

Deputy Chief of Police

Gustav Hill
Sergio Saint

Ranking system Explained

After 2 successful terms for Sergio Saint, I would like to keep much of the structure the same rather than making complete changes only to try and improve and add, after all why fix something if it's not broken?​
This strategy was previously in place but will be fully enforced in my term, Each department rank will match the employee organization rank. Each member must join a department immediately as a trainee and have to put the work in their department to progress in their organization rank.
The chain of command will be followed correctly as seniors within each rank will be responsible for managing their colleague's queries which then can further be escalated to the higher person within the chain of command if they are unable to assist with the query/problem. This helps prevent wastage of resources and time which can be put to better use.

1. Internal Affairs - (I.A)

Internal Affairs will be ensuring all employee are professionally conducting their job roles and following the city laws as well as following proper policing procedures.
Responsible for investigating complaints made against LSPD employees and tackling corruption.

2. Human Resources and Training - (H.R.T)

Responsible for recruitment of citizens who are new into the city without any prior experience in law enforcement agencies as well as reinstating/transferring other LEO employees with previous experience.
Responsible for training and implementing new changes with existing employees within LSPD.

3. Special Weapons and Tactics - ( S.W.A.T)

Since the start of Sergio's first term, there have been lots of changes implemented to Swat as promised including strike force and airborne subdivision which require extensive theory and practical knowledge within the field which I was proud of to be a part of and lead.
I will continue improving swat tactical decisions on improving negotiation skills which will de-escalate situations rather than escalate. We are here to preserve lives no matter the cost yet if required heavy force is available to prevent further loss of life/lives.

4. Public Relations - (P.R)

Managing good public image, socialising out in the community setting a positive friendly image, and making the community know what policing is really all about and that we offer extensive other services to support the community. These interactions will forever give a positive image in the public eye that we are more than just people with weapons and it requires huge responsibility and the trust must not be broken.

5. Traffic Enforcement - (T.E)

I alone managed to do 20 tows in 1 hour proving the 10 tows a week set was more than possible and achievable. We implemented bonus systems which I will continue to promote. I will hire officers specifically for these duties which they would be aware of to avoid confusion on attending other jobs. This will ensure the city is kept clean and implement a system where citizens are aware of the consequences if traffic and motor vehicle-related laws are violated.
I will also implement a dispatch person who will radio out all active calls and reports made improving better communication and reducing irrelevant radio traffic.

6. Investigation Bureau - (I.B)

Investigation Bureau will be focusing on gathering intelligence on wanted criminals as well as illegal narcotics, using the tools provided, this includes physical presence without uniforms and gathering surveillance.
HC Ranks

Chief of Police
Deputy Chief of Police
Deputy Assistant Chief

Watch Commander

Pre HC Rank

Lead Sergeant
Sergeant III
Sergeant II
Sergeant I

Department HC

Swat Coporal
Corporal II
Corporal I

Department senior ranks

Lead Detective
Detective Constable II
Detective Constable I

Department Junior Ranks

Lead Patrol Officer
Master Patrol Officer III
Master Patrol Officer II
Master Patrol Officer I

Department Trainee ranks

Senior Patrol Officer
Patrol Officer IV
Patrol Officer III
Patrol Officer II
Patrol Officer I

Training phase ranks

Trainee Officer
Impound Officer

Suspended Rank​


Suhaib Abutayeh

Sep 3, 2023
I am so proud of you. May all of your achievements be greater than the last. Enjoy the success you have worked so hard to achieve.
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