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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Sinister Seagal
Administrators nickname
Kevin Ford
Sep 8, 2024


Jan 3, 2024
This forum is for all senior admins and curators Floki, Bobby, and Lebron.

First of All, I just wanted to clarify this forum is not an unban appeal that is your decision and it's up to you. I just made this forum to make myself heard by senior curators.

In the last few months, I have seen this trend and toxicity going on in EN 3 anyone who becomes a leader is being targeted by someone for deceiving admin. Most of the people on this server at some point had made a mistake accidentally or intentionally which is being used against them.

This kid ID 4609 made a forum against me as soon as I got the FIB Term Stating that I have deceived admins by taking my age from my old corrupt bio which I applied while in SAHP Link so I am just here to clarify myself and remove this tag which has been put on me for deceiving admin as this is very personal and disrespectful to me. the age in that Bio was a human error as I was getting help from multiple people to create it as it was my first time to create something like this I had no intention to deceive an admin. So I don't even know who this kid is all I know is he has been blackmailing my deputies for rank message me for ranks which I ignored and then blackmailed the NG Leader for ranks deputies' proof and now NG Proof and then directly provoking me for an outburst Proof and here is the video where he admits he was targeting me for someone Video Proof you might need an Indian admin to understand this.

Just think about this for a second I am 45 years old (Approx with an age calculator 45 years 9 months 17 days) what benefit will I be getting if I say I am 44 I am already an adult on corrupt bio what advantage it will give me for hiding my age and all my other application I have posted my correct age. I understand if someone is minor and posts his incorrect age to take advantage I can understand the decision.

All the curators and admins who have seen me working in the SAHP Term and My FIB Term as Deputy Director will vouch for me that I have been always honest with them whether it's during the interview or my term. I worked hard I brought good activities to the server, never been toxic or disrespectful to anyone. But now because of this trend, I have lost the respect I earned, the joy of playing on the server and most importantly the trust I had by my curators towards me. because of this injustice, I have decided to leave RP as I don't think it is for me.

Sorry for this long message but my question is are the seniors going to take some action on these kinds of people or they keep allowing them to deceive and get good players banned we have most of the experienced leaders from the past banned because of this as most of us had made this mistake unintentionally and never thought that this can be used against us. so on behalf of me and other leaders who have received the same faith please I humbly request you to look into this.

Thanks for listening to me I rest my case and leave with the dignity I have.


Sinister Seagal
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