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Jeremiah Choo

Mar 23, 2024

1. Your name IRL: Jorbe Laukens
2. Your age IRL: 21
3. Time zone: CEST/CET
4. Average online per day: 4 to 8 hours
5. Your Discord: gingerkun
6. Your Nickname: Jeremiah Choo
7. Your ID: 69897

Additional information

1. Leader of FIB

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

2.1 I have been in FIB for a couple terms now and i like the activity and opportunities FIB agent get in the city.

2.2 I wish to make FIB an org for professionalism and cohesion, assisting wherever needed when called upon, for this purpose i will select people who are suited for the position they will be receiving and who can handle the challenges that come with being in that position, prioritizing knowledge of the rules and demands that being in a high command position asks of u will be one of the points that i will strictly monitor that way the organization can operate in the best possible way and deliver the best possible results.

2.3 People in my family have advised me to apply multiple times but i never thought i was ready for leadership, after thinking it over for a while i have finally decided to give myself a chance for leadership of FIB.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

3.1. Communication
Active Use of Radio ALL THE TIME so that Important Information can be transmitted through Radio. That way we have a higher chance of successfully stopping any illegal actions that happen in the city.

3.2 Toxicity / Internal Conflicts
Because of the rising amount of Conflict internally in orgs, me and the deputies will handle any disputes personally and handle them with professionalism by reviewing all the facts before deciding what to do.

3.3 Inter organization relationship
For a legal org to have a good term they need to have good relations with the other organizations, To make this happen i will schedule meeting with the other org leaders and discuss in what direction FIB is going and ask them what i can do for them to have a good relationship between all organizations.

3.4 Taking care of all agents
I will instate a lucrative bonus system to make sure people are rewarded for their effort and time while protecting the citizens.

The bonus structure will be as follows:

Scripted Events: (25K Each Event)

Unscripted Events: (15K Each Event)

3.5 Availability 24/7
To make sure there will be agent available at all times i will divide shifts in 2, Day and Night Shift.

I would like to thank everyone for considering me for the role, i will do my absolute best to achieve all goals given to me and complete the term successfully.
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