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Approved Event Plan: Operation Humane Defense

Anvy Verlice

Dec 16, 2021
Why This Event?

This event is designed to provide an intense and high-stakes experience, emphasizing tactical combat and strategic roleplay. It will allow for deep interaction between criminal and state factions and showcase a significant conflict over a critical resource.

The Backstory

A breakthrough in medical science has led to the creation of a cure for a highly contagious disease that criminals have been spreading throughout the city. This cure is being developed in the highly secure Humane Labs. However, one corrupt officer has leaked information about the cure's development to various criminal organizations. The state is aware of the leak and has taken precautions to safeguard the labs, knowing that a coordinated attack is imminent.

How It Works
Pre-Attack Preparation:

  • Criminal Plan: Criminal gangs are preparing to attack the Humane Labs to steal the cure, believing it will give them leverage or disrupt the state's efforts to control the disease.
  • State Response: The state has implemented heightened security measures around the labs, including guards, surveillance, and emergency protocols to prevent the attack.
Event Execution:

  1. Initial Assault: Criminal gangs will use roleplay commands (/me /do) to breach the security of the Humane Labs. Their goal is to overcome guards, disable security systems, and access the lab where the cure is being developed.
  2. Lab Defense: State forces will respond to the attack by defending the labs, repelling the intruders, and ensuring the safety of the cure. They will use tactics to counter the assault and prevent any theft or damage.
  3. Climactic Battle: The battle intensifies as the criminals attempt to secure the cure and escape, while the state forces work to neutralize the threat and protect the critical asset.
Win Conditions:

  • State Win: If state forces successfully repel the attack and prevent the criminals from accessing or stealing the cure.
  • Criminal Win: If criminals successfully breach the labs, steal the cure, and escape without being apprehended.

Criminal Gangs:

  • Criminal 1: Lead the assault on the lab, focusing on breaching entry points and neutralizing guards.
  • Criminal 2: Disable security systems and create diversions to aid the assault.
  • Criminal 3: Secure the lab area and retrieve the cure.
  • Criminal 4: Plan and execute the escape route, ensuring safe extraction with the cure.
State Organizations:

  • LSPD: Maintain a presence at the labs and respond to initial breaches.
  • SAHP: Manage roadblocks and perimeter defenses, focusing on preventing escape routes from being used by criminals.
  • FIB: Conduct surveillance to track criminal movements and assist in lab defense.
  • NG: Provide additional support and reinforcement at critical points around the labs.
  • GOV: Oversee the operation, ensuring coordination between state agencies and effective management of the crisis.
  • EMS: Standby for medical emergencies, but must remain discreet during active engagements.
Admin/Curator Requirements

  • Event Curators: Ensure proper placement of guards, security systems, and vital lab areas. Set up realistic scenarios for both the attack and defense phases.
  • Monitoring: Oversee the event to ensure fair play, adherence to rules, and balanced participation.
State Requirements, Expectations, and Rules

  • Security Measures: State forces must uphold security and defensive protocols, avoiding unnecessary escalation.
  • Use of Force: Employ appropriate levels of force, avoiding excessive measures unless necessary.
  • Driving Restrictions: Aggressive driving maneuvers are restricted in populated areas; allowed outside these areas.
  • Weapon Restrictions: Heavy weapons and engine blockers are restricted. Use of heavy shotgun is allowed in critical situations.

  • LSPD: Focus on immediate defense and response to breaches.
  • SAHP: Implement and manage roadblocks to prevent escape.
  • FIB: Set up strategic surveillance and checkpoints.
  • NG: Reinforce and support other state agencies.
  • GOV: Coordinate overall operation and ensure effective response.
  • EMS: Provide medical support as needed, discreetly.
Crime Requirements, Expectations, and Rules

  • Roleplay Adherence: Criminals must follow their roles and execute their plans according to the event's objectives.
  • Conflict Management: Engage in conflict only as necessary for the attack, avoiding unnecessary violence.
  • Weapon Restrictions: Follow the same restrictions as the state in terms of weapon use.
  • Restricted Areas: No entry to state HQs or restricted zones during the event.

  • Criminal 1: Lead the attack and manage entry points.
  • Criminal 2: Disable security and create distractions.
  • Criminal 3: Secure and retrieve the cure.
  • Criminal 4: Plan and execute the escape.

  • State Organizations: Must coordinate effectively, sharing intelligence and resources through a unified command structure.
  • Criminal Gangs: Must communicate and coordinate their actions to successfully execute the attack.

  • Winning Side: $1 million (shared among team members) + verbal removal/pass.
  • Losing Side: Verbal removal/pass.
Note: Final details and adjustments will be decided by the event curators.

  • Your characters' name (IC): Anvy Verlice
  • Your in game ID: 2645
  • Your discord ID: anvyantony
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