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Hasan Outlaw

Mar 31, 2022
Family name: Outlaw
Family Leader: Hassan Outlaw
Family House Number: 544
Leader Discord: hssn3
Leader ID: 113161
Family Leader Forum: Leader forum

Family Logo:

Family History:
My journey began in 2022. My name is Hassan. I was born into Los Santos alone no family, no friends just me, standing alone, fighting against a merciless world and the poverty. I was always at war with it, struggling to survive. From day one, I never believed in the lies they call "government rules." My motto was simple: life isn’t fair. You either fight to live, or you end up broken and crushed under the weight of poverty. That’s why I made the choice to depend on no one but myself, and to stand against anyone who dared to stop me.
I began my rise as a trader in the shadows, dealing in the illegal, robbing those too weak to protect what they had, and selling it for profit. One step at a time, I built my empire in the underworld. Along the way, I met others who shared my hunger for freedom, who rejected the government’s rules just as I did. And I’ll admit it I trusted them! People like Makarov Outlaw, Nounou Koffin, and Kayn Pluxury. The four of us became inseparable, bound by a common cause. Sometimes, we hit the streets together, robbing, dealing, and thriving in the chaos. We built something powerful.
Now, two years later, we’re no longer just friends we are family. We find out others like us, those who hate the government’s hollow promises. Together, we become stronger.
Now, the time has come. We will show them our true power. We will tear them apart, and rise from the ashes to create the most feared and unstoppable family this world has ever known.

I am Hassan, and this is not just my story it’s the beginning of a revolution.

Family Rules:
1- Anti Afk is not allowed
2- follow the server rules is must
3- its prohibited to steal from the family warehouse
4- Toxicity is not allowed
5- All family member have to be able to talk in English in RP situations

Family Ranking:
10- Godfather : Leader of the Family
9- Deputy : Co-Leaders
8- Commander : Recruiting new members and have other responsibilities in case there is no Deputy available
7- Don: Turf Team
6- Enforcers: this rank members get it to be able to rob people
5- Outlaw: People who have gained trust in the family
4- Soldier: Same like rank 3 but they have to show more activity after getting this rank
3- Thug: members get this rank when they show activity in the family during events
2- Baby Outlaw: get this rank after we make sure that they knew everything in city
1- Trainee: new members to the family and will not get rank up till we make sure that they know all server rules

1- To get Respect in the city
2- To gain control over businesses
3- Participate in all events
4- Getting the family more powerful
5- to have family members in all organizations in city

Family: Clothes:
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