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Saint Opps

Jun 1, 2023

1. Name:

2. Age: 26

3. Time Zone: CST

4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours on busy days, 10-12 hours on non busy days

5. Your Discord: xexityy

6. Your Nickname: Saint Opps

7. Your ID: 292123

Additional Information

1. Leader of Federal Investigation Bureau

2. Why do you want to be leader of this specific organization? ( list three reasons with an explanation)

A year ago when I joined this city as a fresh blood I had no knowledge of anything, I soon began making friends and understanding how to be apart of state, I first went to be interviewed at National Guard. I served under Steve Dash for 1 term and then under Satriko Narcos for 2 great terms, After that I decided it was time to apply for leadership with one goal in mind and that was to lead The National Guard for two successful terms. I then after my two terms ventured off into SAHP as Undersheriff where I grew and made more friends within this city, After the terms ended I joined FIB for the first time about 8 months ago under Tommy Slaters leadership. When his terms ended I decided to apply for SAHP where I led it to the best of my ability.

2.2 Under Tommy Slaters term, I have learned many new things about myself. First of all, there is a huge difference between SAHP and FIB. Starting with FIB they are the organization that leads this city whether it be a black market raid, a gun store or a gang raid they are the one that is looked upon for guidance. Working in FIB gave me more knowledge and made me wiser about how a state organization needs to run. FIB takes care of the smaller and bigger things while making sure the justice system is not at fault for what goes down. Being a part of FIB has taught me that nothing is as black and white and that there are things happening within reason and those things need to be fought against.

2.3 While working in FIB I have learned how to work as a team and be patient. In Tommy Slaters term I was Head of Spec Ops where I learned how to be more strategic in any event that may occur. I then rejoined FIB in Jay Jodds term as 00 then was offered CoS of Spec Ops where I learned a lot more about how FIB operates. With all that being said I believe I am more than enough capable of running FIB to the best of my ability. To think about it FIB is the most desirable organization within the city and in order for it to flourish it requires a leader who knows how to attract any and all sorts of people. I firmly believe I have what it takes to take this organization to the next level with the high commands that I have in place.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

3.1 To begin with, I will have Spec Ops and SAU work in contingent with each other to go over strategies and best point of attacks for all situations I also, will have them complete trainings either within FIB or with other special departments in other organizations.

3.2 I will make sure that most if not all my high commands are active and show up to events so that any non high command personnel can have a more roleplay experience and watch how to lead events no matter the situation we come upon. I will make sure I appoint the best CoS and HODs per department which all of them will have a lot of experience in the department they are over.

3.3 I would like to make everyone in FIB more involved no matter your rank as we all have one goal in mind, with that being said I wanna host little inter org competitions to earn cash or maybe even get a promotion for being the most active agent, It will allow everyone to have a chance at something no matter what rank you hold within FIB.

Human resource and training (HR-T) - They are the most important part of any organization as they hire and keep our numbers to the standard if not higher than we expect. I will make sure we have at least one HR member around at all times to hire or give interviews for people wanting to join FIB.

Internal Affairs (IA)
- They will be a separate department where only a select few will be allowed to join. IA will keep corruption out and maintain the stability within FIB, Only high commands will be allowed to join within IA as well.

Spec Ops and SAU - These departments will always be working on strategies to win most if not all events, They will host training exercises within FIB and other organizations. I will appoint the best people here to assure we have all hours covered.

Undercover (UC) - Undercover will work with other organization's in order to gather evidences from Gangs and/or Families and reward them according to the amount of evidence they have chosen and used. They will host black market busts in an attempt to keep criminals from purchasing illegal weapons and/or items.

Ranking System
Deputy Director
Assistant Director
Chief of Staff
Head of Department
Deputy Head of Department
00 Agent
Secret Agent
Black Ops Agent III
Black Ops Agent II
Black Ops Agent I
Elite Senior Special Agent III
Elite Senior Special Agent II
Elite Senior Special Agent I
Elite Agent III
Elite Agent II
Elite Agent I
Senior Special Agent III
Senior Special Agent II
Senior Special Agent I
Special Agent III
Special Agent II
Special Agent I
Field Agent III
Field Agent II
Field Agent I
Junior Agent II
Junior Agent I
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