- Joined
- Oct 3, 2024
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- 6
Greetings Lebron,
I have a complaint regarding player ID 21192/31082, who is massively violating the rules. He has been banned for over 360+ to 420 days (60 days per ban), which, as far as I know, is enough for a blacklist due to repeated rule violations.
Some of his offenses for which he should serve a ban of 360+ days include:
5 and 6: Approved - G.P 1.7 - 21192
This is just a small portion of the violations for which ID 21192 / 31082 should serve over 420 days of bans. The admins need to continually lift his bans every 60 days and issue new 60-day bans repeatedly until he serves his sentence.
If you check his logs, you’ll see many violations involving the transfer of businesses, houses, and cars at government prices for which he hasn’t been punished at all. If he were penalized for that, it would add at least another 300 days to his current 360/420-day ban.
I believe that player ID 21192 / 31086 deserves a project blacklist for massive rule-breaking. No player who has received a blacklist for constant rule violations had more than 300 days of bans, and this player has far more than that.
I kindly ask you, dear Lebron, to review this in detail and blacklist both of his accounts—main 21192 and twink 31082—as players like this harm the server, the project, and the community. I don't believe they deserve to be part of such a good and quality project.
I have a complaint regarding player ID 21192/31082, who is massively violating the rules. He has been banned for over 360+ to 420 days (60 days per ban), which, as far as I know, is enough for a blacklist due to repeated rule violations.
Some of his offenses for which he should serve a ban of 360+ days include:
Approved - G.P 1.7 / 21192
Krajem 2022 godine ID 21192 biznis br. 148 el. pumpu u Sandyu prodao je prijatelju bff James Gold-u, a prije toga ga kupio isto po državnoj cijeni tad je vrijedio preko 10$ mil.
Approved - G.P 1.7 G.P 1.9 - 21192
Bok dragi posjetitelji gradskih novina Imam da prijavim odredjene igrace za razlicite prekrsaje pa da pocnemo Krajem 2023 godine ID 21192 zamenio je biznis chip tuning br 154 za rentu poznatiju kao sharing 5 naravno bez ikakve doplate ako uzmemo u obzir cijene doci cemo do zakljucka da se...
Approved - G.P 1.7 G.P 1.9 - 21192
Ponovo pozdrav nasi citaoci gradskih novina, uzmite kokice i pratite desavanje iz Los Santosa Imam da prijavim prekrsaj G.P.1.7 i G.P 1.9 ID 21192 kupio je Ferrari Italiu F458 i Porrsche Panameru za po 1000$ dolara po vozilu, što je ukupno 2000$ sad ne znam da li mu je platio kasnije na ruke...
Approved - G.P 1.7 G.P 1.9 - 21192
Bok bok Imamo prekršaj G.P.1.7 a moguce i G.P.1.9 ID 21192 opet kupuje vozila po 1000$ Naime polovinom 2022 godine kupio je koliko se secam automobile jugular audi i sultan po 1000$ Nikada ni za kakve situacije nije kaznjavan niti je ikad prijavio to iako su pravila bila napisana i svi smo...
This is just a small portion of the violations for which ID 21192 / 31082 should serve over 420 days of bans. The admins need to continually lift his bans every 60 days and issue new 60-day bans repeatedly until he serves his sentence.
If you check his logs, you’ll see many violations involving the transfer of businesses, houses, and cars at government prices for which he hasn’t been punished at all. If he were penalized for that, it would add at least another 300 days to his current 360/420-day ban.
I believe that player ID 21192 / 31086 deserves a project blacklist for massive rule-breaking. No player who has received a blacklist for constant rule violations had more than 300 days of bans, and this player has far more than that.
I kindly ask you, dear Lebron, to review this in detail and blacklist both of his accounts—main 21192 and twink 31082—as players like this harm the server, the project, and the community. I don't believe they deserve to be part of such a good and quality project.