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Saudi Verless

Dec 7, 2023
State Organization : LSPD

Name : Saud Hill
Gender: Male
Age : 43
Nationality : KSA Saudi
Place of Birth : KSA Riyadh
Sexuality : Straight
Eye color : Yellow
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Arms. Legs. Neck
Strengths : Good shooting Smart Good at making decisions Calm in situations
Weakness: can get quickly angry I trust people fast

Life story :
Hi My name is Saudi I was born in a neighbor in Riyadh from a decent family My father was a brave officer He was known for his great intelligence and professionalism My mother was a great mother that worked as a cashier in a supermarket She was known for her kindness and gentleness Saudi was proud of his mother and father Saudi wanted to become like his father, a professional and smart and great. police officer Saudi wanted to change the world on one day Saudi father attended a store robbery not knowing that that was his last day in his life Saudi Father was shot from the burglars that were robbing the store Saudi family After his father's death they were sad and, they were facing difficult circumstances that they tried multiple times to make them better but after not getting better they decided to Move to Los Santos Hoping their Lifes gets better

Career story :
After Saudi moved to Los Santos He found himself in a dilemma whether to enter the university or the security college In the end, he decided to enter the security college At first, he found it difficult in the security college After a period of time, Saudi got used to the security college and began to excel in the security college. With the help of his mother and friends, Saudi excelled in his studies and graduated from the security college and decided to join the police Department ( LSPD ) After entering, he met his colleagues who were the reason for his success in the future. He underwent training and succeeded with distinction, which made him desirable in many departments, the most prominent of which was the SWAT team SWAT team decided to add Saud to the SWAT TEAM After Saud joined the team, he started climbing the ranks until he reached his current rank.

1- Saudi is capable of using torture, interrogation to extract vital information, resorting to the harshest methods if required. ( No killing)

2- Saudi can destroy devices like bodycam and radios and can find hidden ones with /try command and /do(2 times per situation)

3- Saudi can take bribes up to ( 100K and Guns ) To help people escape and rob (Pickpocket)

4- Saudi can use illegal weapons on/off duty and can sell illegal weapons that he picked up off gang/family members.

5- Saudi can arrest someone for fake charges/capture them if he severely dislikes them, or for revenge. (within sufficient RP reasons, and nothing too severe)

6- Saudi can lie about the request of a lawyer and not show his ID to any suspect.

7- Saudi can let suspects go free if they're in his family or his friends and can also aid them in escaping.

8- Saudi can sell or provide classified information to gangs/families or his friends.

9- Saudi can break state laws while on or off duty. (IC Laws)

10- Saudi can act like a criminal. For example, go for the ghetto clap, buy, sell, or use illegal stuff (no ORG weapons included).

Devaster Singh

Senior Curator of Media | Curator of NG
Senior Administrator
Mar 3, 2023

Outcome 1: No Killing
Outcome 2: /try to search for bodycam and /do to destroy bodycams.( /try commands 2 times per situations )
Outcome 3: For Robbing (robbing rules apply)
Outcome 5: With RP reason
Outcome 10: You can't act as an criminal, You are a corrupt LEO however you can do criminal activities you mentioned.
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