1. Your name IRL: Muhammad Rayan
2. Your age: 18+
3. Time zone: GMT+5:00 ( Pakistan )
4. Average online per day: 7 - 8 Hours daily.
5. Your Discord: riyan_3626
6. Your Nickname : DrHannibal Lecter
7. Your ID : 99684
--2. Your age: 18+
3. Time zone: GMT+5:00 ( Pakistan )
4. Average online per day: 7 - 8 Hours daily.
5. Your Discord: riyan_3626
6. Your Nickname : DrHannibal Lecter
7. Your ID : 99684
1. Leader of:
San Andreas Highway Patrol Animated presence of a roleplayer in the city
2. And, why do you want to lead this organization specifically?
2.1) Extensive Experience:
Since I started playing I gathered a lot of experience in different legal groups such as FIB and SAHP. I have held many leadership positions such as Chief of Staff in SAHP so I also have a good grasp on the rules and how legal organizations are supposed to function. With Store Robbery, Hostage Situation, High Level Legal Operatives and every other complex RP scenario my enthusiasm is through the roof.. That's why I'm applying Leadership. SAHP feels like it's where my priorities and abilities align best.
2.2) SAHP’s Unique Role:
There are a few big reasons I find SAHP so appealing: its wide-ranging responsibilities (from highway patrol to border security)…. Agriculture land SAHP covers a large area so it is very important to ensure that the highways and surrounding areas are operating in an orderly manner. An extra layer of responsibility means our home is located next to the National Guard base thus working along side nothing just crays and nuts enough for me (haha)!!!, with them for regional safety is exciting at challenging role I cant wait tackle).
2.3 : Leadership Goals and Strategy:-
I will operate as a leader and work to cultivate an effective, organized team. I will pick the best Chiefs of Staff for HR, IA, HWP and SPEC OPS to ensure that they get everything accomplished quickly — That means roles and logs assigned within 5 minutes and every agent is aligned with a department I will also push for participation of all units in events. Primary, spec ops will have, moderate chance to gain swift-footed active agent. Without bias, every unit will have their day. #EqualOpportunity
3. Just add your Suggestions to enhance the RolePlay in Organization
3.1) Quality RP — Training and Certification:
SAHP and role-playing go hand-in-hand and ensuring that our members are portray the most legitimate impression possible is one of my primary objectives. PoCA: Past leadership have been warned for bad use of commands and I am aiming to stop this by running regular training sessions on understanding RP commands, especially with the PDA system. Ic'ly information has to be gathered and the PDA should always be associated with appropriate location(License Plate Database/SAHP HQ)
3.2 Collaboration and Communication
Now onto the standard cooperation between us as SAHP and LSPD, FIB, GOV and NG could be improved IMO. When it happens, we'll be in a better place to manage the case and share responsibility with other traditional venues within our communities, resulting in better integrated events and stronger, more connected roleplay.
3.3) Responsibility on RP Behavior:
Some of the SAHP members started to take advantage of their role, thinking along with the importance of RP. I as the leader will do my best to make sure agents respect their RP duties and to try not to abuse power, making a realistic and interesting environment for all.
30. Sheriff
29. Undersheriff
28. Commissioner
27. Chief of Staff
26. Head of Division
25. Deputy Head of Division
24. Supervisor of Division
——————- HIGH COMMAND ——————-
23. US Marshal
22. Major
21. Area Commander
20. Captain
19. Lieutenant
18. Executive Sergeant
17. Sergeant
16. Master Corporal
15. Senior Corporal
14. Corporal
13. Detective 3
12. Detective 2
11. Detective 1
10. Junior Detective
09. Master Trooper
08. Senior State Trooper
07. State Trooper 3
06. State Trooper 2
05. State Trooper 1
04. K9 Unit
03. Cadet
02. LOA
—————————— ENLISTED ——————————
01. Suspended
————————– SUSPENSION ————————
Select for moderation
Select for moderation
30. Sheriff
29. Undersheriff
28. Commissioner
27. Chief of Staff
26. Head of Division
25. Deputy Head of Division
24. Supervisor of Division
——————- HIGH COMMAND ——————-
23. US Marshal
22. Major
21. Area Commander
20. Captain
19. Lieutenant
18. Executive Sergeant
17. Sergeant
16. Master Corporal
15. Senior Corporal
14. Corporal
13. Detective 3
12. Detective 2
11. Detective 1
10. Junior Detective
09. Master Trooper
08. Senior State Trooper
07. State Trooper 3
06. State Trooper 2
05. State Trooper 1
04. K9 Unit
03. Cadet
02. LOA
—————————— ENLISTED ——————————
01. Suspended
————————– SUSPENSION ————————
Select for moderation
Select for moderation