Dear admin,
Recently I got blocked for GR 1.6 and my discord account also got hacked and the hacker sent suspicious links to random people and then I got to know that my discord has been hacked and then I immediately changed my discord and RP account password.
I have been playing and contributing to this project almost an year and I have played more than 8 to 12 hours a day playing on this project and I really enjoy playing on this project. This RP server was my first server I have played on and now its my favorite server and game. I would really love to contribute more to this project and I will be very Thankful if you help me in that and I will try not to let this happen in the future.
If you need any other proof I can provide and main proof I have provided in the proofs section.
Thanks for your time,
Prabhu Senpai
Recently I got blocked for GR 1.6 and my discord account also got hacked and the hacker sent suspicious links to random people and then I got to know that my discord has been hacked and then I immediately changed my discord and RP account password.
I have been playing and contributing to this project almost an year and I have played more than 8 to 12 hours a day playing on this project and I really enjoy playing on this project. This RP server was my first server I have played on and now its my favorite server and game. I would really love to contribute more to this project and I will be very Thankful if you help me in that and I will try not to let this happen in the future.
If you need any other proof I can provide and main proof I have provided in the proofs section.
Thanks for your time,
Prabhu Senpai