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Rejected Unban appeal for 23736 cause of an not announced Rule change.

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Your ID
Players nickname
Heinz Apfelsaft
Administrators nickname
Simon Sora
Oct 5, 2024
ca 23 Uhr

Heinz Apfelsaft

May 31, 2022
Greetings Mazhor

I am complaining about a Ban i got 5th of October for being was Member on a Discord which not only selling Skins but also Scripts.
The Administrator Simon Sora checked my Pc and found nothing.
He also looked at some of my POV’s and also found nothing.
At the End he looked at my Discord and saw that I was a Member on a Discord which sells Skins and Scripts and he told me that I got banned for being on that Discord.
My intention in being a Member of that Discord was only to a Skin for my Revolver and maybe a Redux. I never wanted to buy Scripts or something else to damage the Projekt or ruin the Roleplay experience of other Players.
I asked the Administrator for what reason I got banned and he told me that there was an Announcement that Players aren't allowed to be members of some Discords.
I looked at the Screenshots the Administrator sent me and also at the Announcement Channel of the De04 Discord.
The Announcement was only for the german Server’s 1 and 2 and not for Server 4.
So I got punished for something that was never announced and I wasn't able to know.
If they had made the announcement on Server De04 I would have left the server immediately.
That's why I am asking to unban my Main and my Twink Account.

Kind regards
Heinz Apfelsaft
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