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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Aghyad Tsunami
Administrators nickname
Darkz Hexler
Oct 16, 2024


May 15, 2023
Dear Bobby Pluxury.
I filed a complaint against player ID 50963 on 10/14/2024 because this player violated the server rules and the rule in question is ER 1.11 and the rule states that during events that contain a red circle, clashes must be inside the circle, it is forbidden to leave the circle or go outside the circle and clash with someone, but the video you provided confirms that this person went outside the circle and started shooting at us and tried to provoke us as well. As is always the rule, if you feel that the decision is unfair, file a complaint against the administrator to review the decision again. I also want to clarify and criticize something since I have been a player on this server for a long time, I would like to say that some administrators focus on the luxuries in the complaint and not the important thing. For example, the administrator Darkz Hexler, when I filed the first complaint against this player, he overlooked the player's mistake and focused on something like he made a mistake in matching the date between the video and the complaint and rejected it for this reason, with all due respect to you, but I see this as an insufficient reason to reject the complaint. Because as everyone knows, a person becomes an administrator of this great server for one reason only, which is justice and helping the player community and making the gaming experience more balanced, but these things make the experience of some players a nightmare for this reason and because of my love for this server, I criticize this thing. We return to the heart of the matter, which is when I submitted the second complaint against the player, the administrator Darkz Hexler received it and made me wait more than 48 hours to make a decision on the complaint, and I was surprised when he said that the rp factory event has five seconds to leave the event, but in reality and logically, if a person stands outside the red circle with the aim of clashing with someone because he can hit them from there, this is bug abuse because I think that this option (five seconds) was put to warn the player that he is about to leave the event and not to give him an advantage over everyone. I hope that you take my complaint seriously and think about what I said. I apologize for the length of the complaint, but I was trying to clarify everything.
I will attach both complaints to you for review.
Best regards to you

The first complaint was rejected due to the date mismatch between the video and the complaint.

The second complaint is that I waited more than 48 hours for a decision and I feel this is unfair because the video is now invalid according to the server rules. I have the right to file a complaint before 48 hours have passed since the assault.


May 15, 2023
Dear administrator,
I would like to add that I filed a complaint on 10/13/2024 against a person who works in debt collection and pushes players to commit bug abuse in order to take the debts without deducting anything from them. The administrator who received the complaint is Darkz Hexler and so far there has been no response to the complaint. I hope that you review the complaint yourselves. I will upload a link to the complaint.

The administrative response to this complaint was strangely delayed. Click here to view the complaint.

Best regards

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

the rule is only applied for IC events as in OOC events they only have 5 seconds out of the circle before they are kicked out!
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