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Your ID
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Vee Venetia
Suspect ID
165616, 155683
Date of violation
Oct 22, 2024
Time of violation


Nov 19, 2021
This complaint is preferably for Senior Administration. Given the toxicity this individual and his friends have brought to every forum any of us have posted against them, I plan to get straight to the point. Admins can clearly see the back and fourth going on, here on the forum page. This is now the 3rd forum post in less than 24 hours regarding someone who is "deceiving admins" and all of this is coming from someone who has nothing better to do with their time other than scroll through the forums of everyone who does not like him and try to get them banned for little mistakes? He is the only one mentioned by ID since he is the only one targeting FIB members with his consistent posts of "Deceiving Admins". The age regarding an application in my opinion is something minor to be punished for however, players like this individual who is targeting FIB and it's members, can take full advantage to get the people he does not like banned. Admins need to shed more light on this problem because little mistakes are claimed to be "deceiving" which there is no proof there was any intentional deceiving to begin with? Requesting admins to shed light on this issue following the outcome of this forum because individuals like this, it is not fair for him to be able to search up the history of anyone he does not like on forums then report them which gets them instantly deported from the city. It is plain and simply not fair and is shown to be clear targeting by all individuals who make reports such as these with no proof that the individuals included here had any intention to "deceive" anyone at all.

To the reviewing admin please check the following forums posted by the individual. You will see in the title two different ID's were used, which belong to his main and his twink which he is using both different ID's on the forums between each post he is making to target us.

If reviewing admin checks all of these forums you will see they are all FIB members once again, and in the comments section of all of them as well as a few other forums you will see toxicity from this individual. Any forum that includes any beef between the DOJ (Which he is a part of) and FIB (which is the org all of us who he is targeting belong to) You will clearly see this individual clearly has some kind of grudge against us. I don't like to play the game of who is targeting who, as I believe everyone has the right to report anyone they wish if they believe a rule break has actually been committed. But how convenient is it that he has reported 3 separate people who are currently in FIB for the exact same thing? Coincidence? I think not. How convenient is it that he is also in the comments section of any forum that has to do with any of the ongoing issues between FIB and the DOJ? (See Forums below. Upon reviewing the comments you will see the toxicity and targeting he and the others from the DOJ have been towards anyone within FIB).

The players in the city at this point have to ask consistently why applications for FIB are not going to ever be open? The reasoning why is individuals such as this who wish to target the org or it's members in any effort to get them punishment.

Reviewed - Forum Ban evading | 73485 (In this forum his point is noted person is forum banned but again, person is from FIB where this individual pops up yet again to report)
Rejected - General rule 6.17 | 31129 (Forum this is in reference to was not even complete yet he is trying to get him banned before IC court case could even be completed)

Even today he has uploaded yet another new forum alleging someone yet again to be "Deceiving Admins"

Now when you go and look at just how many FIB related forums he is on, you will see just how interested he is in seeing the org be disbanded or seeing it's members get punishments. Convenient? I think not! Even as I make this thread right now someone just got banned from one of the forums listed above for a mistaken age on an application? This rule is allowing people to conveniently report others and get them banned! Without a doubt they will be quick to come and react to this forum and do more toxicity on this one as well. I am requesting this forum be locked immediately for higher admins that way there can be some resolution to this long pending issue between FIB and DOJ. It is consistent, it is tiring, and I think for incidents like this it is time for Senior Administration or even Higher Admins to step in to resolve this that way peaceful RP can once again come to fruition from these two Organizations (notice how I said both organizations because it is both and not just DOJ).

Again, please lock this thread. I have no interest in the toxicity they plan to bring to this forum at all. They will without a doubt, bring toxicity and off topic to the forum if left unlocked. If off topic or toxicity is done I am asking for swift punishment please as this is a incredibly serious issue and needs to be addressed asap.
Last edited:


Nov 19, 2021
Post in thread 'Targeting | 155409' Rejected - Targeting | 155409
As clearly stated in my post, I will not engage in any toxicity with you and will inform you the importance of not doing off topic or toxicity yet again. Wait for the admin decision. As mentioned above, I clearly stated " I don't like to play the game of who is targeting who, as I believe everyone has the right to report anyone they wish if they believe a rule break has actually been committed. But how convenient is it that he has reported 3 separate people who are currently in FIB for the exact same thing?" Your actions have been consistently targeting FIB and it's members. You guys do it ICly, and OOCly. Specifically this forum is directed at you following your repetitive abuse of the "Deceiving Admin" which you claim everyone is doing when you have no proof that anyone has any intent to deceive at all.

This is my first and final comment to you and to anyone else who wishes to do off topic or toxicity in my thread and will be requesting punishments for anyone who does toxicity. Wait for admins to review I will be content with any decision they give whether you get punished or not for your actions.

Aryan mishra

Suffering of destruction
Jun 2, 2024
You made a forum on many gov guys many ems guys sahp guys they didn't came here and posted a forum for targeting didn't they?


Aug 13, 2024
You made a forum on many gov guys many ems guys sahp guys they didn't came here and posted a forum for targeting didn't they?
dude you went after me and i didn't do anything to you you went through all my stuff and posted me for a mistake i made in my age even tho I'm well over 18 why would i need to lie??? but nah you just thought fuck it he's in fib lets have him

Takumi Hurtz

Jan 23, 2023
You made a forum on many gov guys many ems guys sahp guys they didn't came here and posted a forum for targeting didn't they?
They also didn't make 3 forums within the span of a 24 hour period that have to do with 3 different individuals all from the same organization who also conveniently all are involved in a court case between FIB (their org) and DOJ (your org). Getting them banned makes an easy IC win for you in court. Now stop doing toxicity and let admins decide.
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