Lilo Capone 424357
Lvlotus Royal (phone number #9956360)
these two people recieved business / houses / money / items from ID 386751
ID 386751 did scam/stealing and before he got banned he transfered tax evasion
Lvlotus was given 1 house and 1 ATM business and items for very little money (tax evasion)
here is both of them selling the houses from the banned player
Lvlotus Royal (phone number #9956360)
these two people recieved business / houses / money / items from ID 386751
ID 386751 did scam/stealing and before he got banned he transfered tax evasion
Approved - GR 6.22 | 386751
This player decided to take a bunch of guns armor and ammo from event cars in my family for personal use without my permission along with money. the guns and armor and ammo in these vehicles are ment for events and he tried to play off the fact that he was giving it to new player he recruited...
Lvlotus was given 1 house and 1 ATM business and items for very little money (tax evasion)
here is both of them selling the houses from the banned player