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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Benito Vexonoid
Administrators nickname
Envy Walker
Nov 9, 2024


yap too much
Aug 21, 2024
Please check Rejected - GZ 1.3 + Powergaming | 98825
In the provided forum, I made a complaint for GZ 1.3 and later on edited to add Powergaming that suspect did in their own provided POV.
However, Administration rejected the forum without proper explanation, saying "No demands were give in the proof provided."​
  • I am not sure why me and my fellow gang member would give demands if its a GZ since shooting there will cause us to break rule GZ 1.1.​
  • The suspect did not recieve punishment for doing powergaming (taking out a double yield weapon while in driver seat).​
Making this forum to request clarification from senior administration as to why it was rejected in both accusation cases, thanks!! :)


yap too much
Aug 21, 2024
edit : as for the powergaming, it is not humanlike to be able to have your hands on the steering wheel at the same time you are holding a LMG or Heavy shotgun, as it provided suspect with unfair advantage of not having to pull out their gun after getting out of the car, skipping the animation.


yap too much
Aug 21, 2024
Back with a little bit more information because I was talking with 1 of your homies and had me thinking about why the admi put "didn't give demands". NOT Defending his choice, but look at this idea I screenshotted below:

When you think about it, IF an LEO corrupted or not just straight up went into the ghetto and kept coming back in new cars to randomly engine block people which might have caused them to be stuck in a really bad situation, you would 100% see forums being done on that person for things such as fail rp . Wouldn't that apply to Gangs as well? I'm not saying this is how it is, I'm unsure, but I was trying to see how I can look at it from every angle and that's what I fell upon. Even though that was in ghetto you were engine blocking us to do an RP situation on where you were going to take us hostage.

Was just mentioning this to see maybe that is why he put that reasoning idk though.
Quite stupid if you're expecting demands in Ghetto, everything goes down here.
Leos have an obligation for every citizen's safety and are required to obey all state rules. comparing Gang members who are prepared to cut fingers/kill hostages if our demands aren't met, to law enforcement officers who legally have to follow state rules, looks to be the stupidest comparison to me. If all state rules that apply to state employees applied to gangs as well, it wouldn't be a gang anymore.
  • administration knows better than you, you don't have to teach them what is what.​
  • Your discord friend's opinion wouldn't be superior compared to administrator's decision.​
  • both of our POV clearly shows you taking a left to get in there. Unless you don't know how to drive with a keyboard or aren't familiar with which key to press, I don't see how the car took a left without you pressing 'A'.​
  • Your PG is visible on both POVs, not just yours.​
-- Please leave this up to administration --

Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
Admin took correct decision
1- They were not involved in any kind of RP situation so they did not escape it.
2- You were not chasing them from before so there is no proper proof of it​
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