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Rejected Blacklisted(Project Dissrespect) | Lebron Pluxury

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Your ID
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Teo Verstappen
Administrators nickname
Lebron Pluxury
Nov 14, 2024

bracalska armija

Sep 27, 2024
Dobro veče Mujo,Abrahame,Lebrone.Upućeni ste u moju situaciju ali još jednom da se predstavim ja sam Teo Verstappen 18441 dobio sam blacklistu sa projekta pre 3 meseca razlog moje blackliste je server dissrespecting. Moja situacija je krenula ovako svi Leaderi su dobili unblacklistu i po još jednu šansu ja sam se prijavio za Ballas Leadera i uzeo tu obavezu i postao sam Ballas Leader. Bili smo zajedno u getu uključujući i ja kao Leader kod BLACKMARKETA bili smo se pucali RP pravili . Skoro je sada Mujo promenio geto granice kod blackmarketa njih 3 se popelo na krov tamo gde je od skoro gz i počeli da pucaju došao je jedan igrač počeo da snima i da i zeleo da mi nabije warn. Na POV se čuje tačno snima sad cu im nabiti warn gde je mene to iznerviralo jako. Pisao sam APPEL da mi se skine warn i da se dotični kazni zbog namernog nabijanje warna na organizaciju,rekao sam u tom appelu takođe rečenicu ,,crime has been dead lately and there is no one in the ghetto” recenica zbog koje sam dobio blacklistu. Pisao sam preko prevodioca kao sto cu i sada ovo da prevedem da bi Lebron mogao razumeti šta sam hteo reći. Ja sam izneo svoje mišljenje i nisam se dobro izjasnio- dobro preveo preko prevodioca . Hteo sam reci da u tom TRENUTKU nije toliko bio aktivan geto i da CRIME niko nije u zadnje vreme vodio kako treba. Ovako mi je lakše da kažem mojim rečima jer ne mogu pogrešiti umesto da prepričavam da izgleda sto više pismeno to mi nije ni bitno više . Objasnio sam celu situaciju od početka do kraja ja želim da vam se izvinim u moje ime za svakog igrača/admina koji igra na projektu , proveo sam 2,5 godine na projektu po svaki dan skoro po minimalno 7 sati igrao i svidja mi se projekt i hteo bi nastaviti da igram na RSu. Imam dva accoumta Main account i Twink account Main(18441) twink(43007) zeleo sam pitati ako je moguće da mi se twink(43007) perma banuje i da na 18441 nastavim da igram kao i do sada,palo mi je na pamet zašto je isto igrač Andrej Wbear dobio ban za istu stvar od strane Chief Administratora Abrahama Elkhabiba na samo 12855 account dok na twink je nastavio da igra.
Link žalbe od 12855 :

Thread 'Project Disrispect | 12855'
Approved - Project Disrispect | 12855

Link Appela od 18441 :
Thread 'For Curator of the Project I Lebron Pluxury'
Rejected - For Curator of the Project I Lebron Pluxury

Zamolio bi vas za jos jednu jedinu šansu hteo bi da pogledate moj 18441 i 43007 i proverite da nema ni jedan ban za 1.1 1.2 1.3 itd da sam igrač koji nije kršio nikad pravila sem osnovnih RP pravila

On English :

Good evening

Mujo, Abraham, Lebron. You are familiar with my situation, but once again I would like to introduce myself, I am Teo Verstappen 18441, I got blacklisted from the project 3 months ago, the reason for my blacklist is server disrespecting. My situation started like this, all Leaders got unblacklisted and for one more chance I applied for Ballas Leader and took that responsibility and became Ballas Leader. We were together in the ghetto, including me as a Leader at BLACKMARKET, we were shooting each other and making RP. Almost now, Mujo changed the ghetto borders at the black market, 3 of them climbed onto the roof where from almost gz and started shooting, one player came and started filming and wanted to give me a warning. On the POV, you can hear it recording exactly, now I will give them a warning, where it annoyed me a lot. I wrote an APPEAL to remove my warning and to punish the person in question for intentionally putting war on the organization, I also said in that appeal the sentence "crime has been dead lately and there is no one in the ghetto", the sentence that got me blacklisted. I wrote through a translator as I will now translate this so that LeBron could understand what I wanted to say. I expressed my opinion and I did not express myself well - I translated it well through the translator. I wanted to say that at that MOMENT the ghetto was not that active and that nobody has been running CRIME properly lately. This way it is easier for me to say in my own words because I can't make mistakes instead of retelling that the more written it seems, the more it doesn't matter to me. I explained the whole situation from the beginning to the end, I want to apologize on my behalf to every player/admin who plays on the project, I spent 2.5 years on the project, I played almost 7 hours every day and I like the project and I would like to continue playing for RS.
I have two accounts Main account and Twink account Main(18441) twink(43007) I wanted to ask if it is possible for twink(43007) to be permanently banned and to continue playing on 18441 as before, it occurred to me why the same player Andrej Wbear got banned for the same thing by Chief Administrator Abraham Elkhabib on only 12855 account while on twink he continued to play.
Complaint link from 12855 :
Thread 'Project Disrespect | 12855'

Appel link from 18441 :
Thread 'For Curator of the Project I Lebron Pluxury'

I would like to ask you for one more chance, I would like you to look at my 18441 and 43007 and check that there is not a single ban for 1.1 1.2 1.3 etc. I am a player who has never broken any rules except basic RP rules
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