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Lovro Ravic
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Mujo Simba
Jun 4, 2024

Salih Bilman

Brains are awesome, I wish everybody had one
Apr 2, 2023
Naglašavam, ovaj appeal objavljujem u ime druga

Pozdrav Mujo, Abrahame, Lebron, Mazhor, tko god cita ovaj appeal. Nisam ikada zamisljao da ce doc do ovoga a niti mi je ovo bio cilj al eto. Zao mi je. Zelim da iskazem ispriku svima koje sam povrijedio na ovom projektu, koliko tebi Mujo, toliko i ostalima koje sam direktno ili indirektno povrijedio. Vjerovatno admin koji ce odlucit o mom appealu zna sto sam napravio, nisam kvario RP vec sam zbog OOC razloga dobio i ZASLUZIO Blacklistu. Mozete mi pogledat History kazna, imam minimalan broj kazna na svom IDu i to je dokaz koliko sam postovao ovaj server i njegova pravila. Svjestan sam svoje greske, zelio bih samo 1 sansu, i ako opet nesto krivo napravim necu se zaliti na Blacklistu. Sve sta trazim je jedna i posljednja sansa za igru u kojoj cu se dokazat da necu ispast glup ko prosli put. Da naglasim, prihvacam bilo koji oblik reseta accounta ukljucujuci money wipe. Hvala na odgovoru kakav god bio. Lovro.


I am posting this complaint on behalf of a friend

Greetings Mujo, Abraham, Lebron, Mazhor, whoever is reading this appeal. I never imagined that it would come to this, nor was this my goal, but here it is. I’m sorry. I want to apologize to everyone I hurt on this project, as much as you, Mujo, as well as others whom I directly or indirectly hurt. Probably the admin who will decide on my appeal knows what I did, I didn’t spoil the RP, but because of OOC reasons I got and DESERVED the Blacklist. You can look at my penalty history, I have a minimum number of penalties on my ID and that is proof of how much I respected this server and its rules. I am aware of my mistake, I would like only 1 chance, and if I do something wrong again, I will not be mad if I get blacklisted because of this promise. All I’m asking for is just one last chance in which I will not make any stupid mistakes Ive made before. Just to adress, I accept any form of account reset including money wipe. Thanks in advance whatever the answer is. Lovro.
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