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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Michael Mayors
Administrators nickname
Yaswanth Trigger
Nov 21, 2024

Michael Mayors

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Mar 24, 2024
This appeal is a only for Sam Sir and Pablo Sir.

Hello Sam Sir and Pablo Sir, I am Michael Mayors. I am appealing for this punishment on behalf of the FIB.
I understand that climbing ladders while holding a gun can be unrealistic but to make it clear for all legal organizations there are around 4-5 store robberies per day, few hostage situations followed by a gang raid or bm raid if done by FIB, all of these can require climbing a ladder. Even taking an average participation of 25 people from all Legal organizations, we have around around 200+ possibilities of a rule break per day. The actual amount of possibilities can also be higher than this. We understand that it can unrealistic but if you consider mistakes at such minor level then not only FIB, no legal organization can run a successful term. These are so minor that they can be easily be done accidentally. As highest commands we are doing our best doing multiple announcements about it but as said it is very easy to accidentally do it. It is a humble request that change the rule if possible or punish individuals for it.

Rule Change: There is not a even a single person as far as I have seen in forums who has been punished before for this. We got informed about this change of rule on a meeting with the curators on 12:03 am IST 25.11.2024. The POV of the thread is from 21.11.2024 which is before we got informed about it. Since almost no one was punished before for these things we thought its not a rule break. We got to know it was a rule break after the curators informed us.

Kindly Consider this appeal and Thank You for your time and consideration.

Yam Zack

Jul 18, 2023
No off topic just trying to help
I remember this rule and it is old one
and i remember it as PG not UB
For the guy who is climbing the ladder with gun he will not see the gun
but if there is a guy with him watching he can see that he is climbing the ladder with the gun on
and from a long time we train our units to not do this kind of mistake
i will say it again i said that just so u dont feel that u got punished wrongly

Ender Bigfist

Nov 14, 2024
No off topic just trying to help
I remember this rule and it is old one
and i remember it as PG not UB
For the guy who is climbing the ladder with gun he will not see the gun
but if there is a guy with him watching he can see that he is climbing the ladder with the gun on
and from a long time we train our units to not do this kind of mistake
i will say it again i said that just so u dont feel that u got punished wrongl
Not off topic
Imagine we put our gun inside and start climbing the ladder, when we reach the top we find that 8-10 gang members are already pointing guns at the ladder, and when we reach the top, till we take out our gun, we find ourselves unconscious. Just tell how will we fight the gang members then in this situation?

It was never PG, as guns automatically goes away, when we climb the ladders, if we climbed the ladder and it showed the guns in our hand while climbing, then it should be considered as PG!

In this case, every gang and state org will start receiving punishment which could lead to disband of organizations easily!

Yam Zack

Jul 18, 2023
Not off topic
Imagine we put our gun inside and start climbing the ladder, when we reach the top we find that 8-10 gang members are already pointing guns at the ladder, and when we reach the top, till we take out our gun, we find ourselves unconscious. Just tell how will we fight the gang members then in this situation?

It was never PG, as guns automatically goes away, when we climb the ladders, if we climbed the ladder and it showed the guns in our hand while climbing, then it should be considered as PG!

In this case, every gang and state org will start receiving punishment which could lead to disband of organizations easily!
LAST time i will reply u can msg me in discord about this
u can use heli, when i used to be leo i always think of solution of this situation without me getting punished or anyone else
u can think if solution depends on the place and ur power
and about guns automatically goes away this is wrong
that is only in ur eyes but people around u can see the gun out
u can hold AR and try it with ur friend ( im not telling u to do a rule break)
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