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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Honey Moon
Administrators nickname
Satish Royal
Dec 7, 2024

IRL Honey

Dec 9, 2022
(I put punishment type under ban because I didn't know which to put under)

Please view the other forum I posted in proof before looking at this one please for you see how it got to a point where I was stressed out heavily and in tears:

Timestamps of me contacting Satish:

Satish said he was going to view his "POV", I waited over 24hrs to see if he was going to send me a message about the situation or not.
but nothing... like it never happened??? so I messaged him asking this morning (usa time morning):
I don't think I was disrespecting since this should have been commonsense, but if I was disrespecting Satish then please go on punish me, but the fact so many people where actively waiting and hoping Satish did something and he did literally NOTHING is INSANE loss of respect from many. He showed me that because you missed 3 minutes of what went down that he will ignore the whole 25+ minutes that continued after/WHILE he was saying that he was there. Situations like this where admins do nothing not even a simple mute or demorge makes people fear if they can really trust admin when in need of help. He LET'S HIM stay there and continue. I honestly was questioning myself especially since I just got chief that day if this was some type of test or am I being targeted (which kind of proved me right i posted at the top of the proof forum i posted)(targeted by the guy). There has been a lot of that I noticed going on between orgs since I came back this fall. Because I never intentionally tried to do wrong to no one and somehow Satish watched and did NOTHING. He was there for 90% of it and did NOTHING. He saw me tell them to leave me alone and to get away and did NOTHING. Main reason I always stay in the lobby when panda is on duty is because since she a female, and too many guys try to harass her, so I wasn't going to leave her there. If she got POV which I believe she told me she did, If I can use her POV please let me know. Pretty sure a few people where recording in hopes Satish punished them.

How the conversation basically ended up after Satish refused to do nothing for over 30 minutes all because he missed like 3 minutes of the situation:

He said because he wasn't Senior admin anymore, so that he couldn't ban. That you have to be a senior to ban for women harassment, but that is no excuse for not even muting or putting the guy in jail, or showing up sooner and not sounding like you didn't want to tell the bad guys to go away???

To compare it to a real-life situation on how it felt: Someone getting harassed and bullied, but the police didn't see how it started so they tell them to just go make a police report and wait till someone replies, while the person is actively getting bullied and harassed.

Like someone please tell me here the right in any of that is???

Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
Admin will be punished for not punishing the at that time
Wait for your forum which you already made to get reviewed​
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