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Approved Personal Biography | Ruhi Meena | 155474

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Ruhi Meena

Aug 17, 2024
Name: Ruhi Meena
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Race: White
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Los Santos
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Weight: 67
Height: 5.11
Eye color: Dark Brown
Hair color: Brown
Tattoos: No
Strengths: Good Communication Skill, Fast Learner
Weakness: Nervousness

Ruhi was born in small city of Los Santos but her up bringing was well and good and her family was also having na good background in the financial state and her knowledge towards the city is so good that she lives her life very well but on the circumstances of her life in the situation she has faced many consequences of just as big downfalls in studies but now she lives her life working in a good organization as an experienced employee and she has forgotten her past started new lifestyle to make her feel that there is still hope for her to make herself individually earn and live the life financial more strong and help her family in the management of the business and expand the business of family and bring a great profit for the family to live a long life and individual
For herself being into the city she has done many jobs and from the bad past she has been knowing the city more carefully and gaining Knowledge about the city by all alone so now she has the knowledge of everything in city and she has a clever mind and up bringing herself in city more financially strong.


1. Ruhi has no fear of 2 guns, which means when people try to rob her, they need least 3 people pointing guns at her .

2. Ruhi can carry a hidden, waterproof ballistic camera in her belt 24/7 & doesn’t need to refresh it when respawn or when sent in to hospital also she always have a hidden radio with her24/7.

3. Ruhi can recognize anyone by their clothes and voice (without breaking MG by looking at their ID).

4. Ruhi can easily drive cars (except supercars) on rough roads without breaking any RP and can also Fly a Heli in very Professional manner, can land Heli in congested areas because of her past Pilot Experience.

5. Ruhi can recognize a gang just by their color of the clothes.

6. Ruhi can jump into water if she finds her life to be in danger as she has a very good swimming experience. (No power gaming if 4 people in 2 cars give pull over demand)

7. Ruhi can offer a bribe to criminals (upto $ 100K) to get information and then share it with the legal orgs.

8. Ruhi can offer to become a citizen hostage for a maximum of $100,000.

9. Ruhi can lie and make fake scenario for her lawyer or ems just to spend the time and reduce the time process for her which would help her for avoiding being arrested

10. Ruhi can pick up items/guns dropped by people while 10-10, and use them for her own self. ( not the org item )

Del Federal

🎃 Hello Am I Audible !!
Senior Administrator
Dec 19, 2022
Bio Approved


Outcome 1: Have to show fear if needed

Outcome 6: Rejected

Remember : You Can Still be Punished ICly
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