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Rejected Bug Abuse, CL, Meta Gaming | 95906, 174957, 183704, 142690

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Suspect ID
Date of violation
Dec 16, 2024
Time of violation


Oct 13, 2024
No i don't i am just saying if it comes in bug abuse so i am really sorry i am
Its your fault that you don't know rules. And yes it comes under bug abuse and you get punishment for this. No matter how much you say sorry now.
You already know what you were doing, now you're just pretending to be innocent.


Aug 9, 2024
and i am the leader of dark famliy but in pov no one form dark famliy and why are you giving my id and name in this matter


Aug 9, 2024
Me and my family members doing caravan when we saw that these people hijacking caravan by standing at one place. This comes under bug abuse. They were stealing caravan to get get family points faster. Which is not accaptable at all. After my family members leave i decided to stay there and record body cam where all of these people steal 6 caravans in 20 minutes.
I also mentioned which families involved in this.

At time 9:06 Id 183704 ask Id 174957 Legend Spade, that if he need phone number of his leader Dark sarvesh Id 166990 (i read club chat for his name and id).

Family names who involved in this bug abuse are :- Dark Family and Ghostly Guardians.

Dark Family name was comfirmed by id 183704 at 9:06. Dark sarvesh, family leader also involved in this. You can clearly hear his name and he also typing in club chat at same time.
Dark sarvesh, Id 166990.
He (Id 183704) also mentioned that word leader service, it maybe a code word that they both steal each other caravans.

Ghostly Guardians name was comfirmed by his fam leader Legend Spade Id 174957 itself, when he send alliance request in club chat.

Id 95906 leave situation at time 9:12. Which comes under Combat Logging (CL).

Id 174957 was doing meta gaming at time 9:02.

Times in which these rule were broken are:-
9:00, 9:02, 9:05, 9:06, 9:09, 9:10, 9:12, 9:14

I also mention all timing and rule break in a table in a simple way visit this link to see that table.

Please punish all of them and these family leaders also involved in this i already mentioned all proofs above with time.
Thank you,
bro my id is not in pov then why are you saying that i am at the caravan and my members are also not in caravan loc you can check only people are saying dark famliy ok i am not involve in this matter pls dont take my name and i am just saying in club chat send allaince to dark famliy ok i am not there


Oct 13, 2024
bro my id is not in pov then why are you saying that i am at the caravan and my members are also not in caravan loc you can check only people are saying dark famliy ok i am not involve in this matter pls dont take my name and i am just saying in club chat send allaince to dark famliy ok i am not there
You were not preasent at that time thats why i dont mention your name in title, i mentioned your name because your family member Id 183704 who hijacked lots of caravan there say your name and he also say you are posting ads. in club chat. So you are leader and your family member using a code word that you want my leader service? What does that mean? Read the whole conversation between Id 183704 and Id 174957 and you came to know why i mentioned your name here. You also involved in this and you are fully aware of this.


Aug 9, 2023
Its your fault that you don't know rules. And yes it comes under bug abuse and you get punishment for this. No matter how much you say sorry now.
You already know what you were doing, now you're just pretending to be innocent.
Lol 😂 doing bug abuse 😂


Aug 9, 2023
You were not preasent at that time thats why i dont mention your name in title, i mentioned your name because your family member Id 183704 who hijacked lots of caravan there say your name and he also say you are posting ads. in club chat. So you are leader and your family member using a code word that you want my leader service? What does that mean? Read the whole conversation between Id 183704 and Id 174957 and you came to know why i mentioned your name here. You also involved in this and you are fully aware of this.
Good job bro ❤️, but why no one admin took this thread 😕


Aug 9, 2024
You were not preasent at that time thats why i dont mention your name in title, i mentioned your name because your family member Id 183704 who hijacked lots of caravan there say your name and he also say you are posting ads. in club chat. So you are leader and your family member using a code word that you want my leader service? What does that mean? Read the whole conversation between Id 183704 and Id 174957 and you came to know why i mentioned your name here. You also involved in this and you are fully aware of this.
I am telling you again they are not my members ok I am alone you can check famliy logs


Aug 9, 2024
You were not preasent at that time thats why i dont mention your name in title, i mentioned your name because your family member Id 183704 who hijacked lots of caravan there say your name and he also say you are posting ads. in club chat. So you are leader and your family member using a code word that you want my leader service? What does that mean? Read the whole conversation between Id 183704 and Id 174957 and you came to know why i mentioned your name here. You also involved in this and you are fully aware of this.
And I am not involved in this ok no members is there off my famliy you can't sa anything without any proof ok if they are talking about me I even know them ok pls don't involved me in this matter I am ready check my famliy logs ok


Oct 13, 2024
i also sorry but i ask the babi sir babi sir said me you can do this but only 1 person and i am not with them and i am really sorry
Why you are sorry? If you dont do anything wrong. You also post 5 more comment after this comment, that you are not wrong. But just tell me why you are saying sorry here and then saying that you dont do anything in next 5 comments.

Are you accepting your mistake or what?

Do you know if you caught lying this will fall under deceiving admin.


Oct 13, 2024
i also sorry but i ask the babi sir babi sir said me you can do this but only 1 person and i am not with them and i am really sorry
Deceiving Admin | Id 166990

Dark Sarvesh Id 166990 already accepted his mistake here by saying sorry here 2 times in a single sentence. After this he post 5 more comments explaining that he is not involved in this Bug Abuse but the main thing is why he say sorry here if he is not wrong. He say sorry twice not even once.
If you see my pov that I posted on youtube you can clearly hear the conversation between Id 174957 and Id 183704 at time 9:06.
The conversation itself is a proof that Dark Sarvesh Id 166990 is guilty and he also accepted it in this comment and then in other 5 comments he change his statement and saying he not involved in this. He is trying to deceive an admin.
Please also consider this wizard before announcing final decision.


Aug 9, 2024
Deceiving Admin | Id 166990

Dark Sarvesh Id 166990 already accepted his mistake here by saying sorry here 2 times in a single sentence. After this he post 5 more comments explaining that he is not involved in this Bug Abuse but the main thing is why he say sorry here if he is not wrong. He say sorry twice not even once.
If you see my pov that I posted on youtube you can clearly hear the conversation between Id 174957 and Id 183704 at time 9:06.
The conversation itself is a proof that Dark Sarvesh Id 166990 is guilty and he also accepted it in this comment and then in other 5 comments he change his statement and saying he not involved in this. He is trying to deceive an admin.
Please also consider this wizard before announcing final decision.
Bro people are talking about me at 9:06 ok but I am not percent at the situation and i dont know id 174957 and 183704 and I am not doing deceiving admin okay


Aug 9, 2024
Deceiving Admin | Id 166990

Dark Sarvesh Id 166990 already accepted his mistake here by saying sorry here 2 times in a single sentence. After this he post 5 more comments explaining that he is not involved in this Bug Abuse but the main thing is why he say sorry here if he is not wrong. He say sorry twice not even once.
If you see my pov that I posted on youtube you can clearly hear the conversation between Id 174957 and Id 183704 at time 9:06.
The conversation itself is a proof that Dark Sarvesh Id 166990 is guilty and he also accepted it in this comment and then in other 5 comments he change his statement and saying he not involved in this. He is trying to deceive an admin.
Please also consider this wizard before announcing final decision.


Aug 9, 2024
here is my proof that babi sir said you can do this but only one person ok and i am not doing deceiving admin


Oct 13, 2024
Wrong decision | Babi Ruthless
Id 134019 Babi Ruthless why you dont ban Id 170061 when she hijacked caravan in front of your eyes. Time 11:53 date 16 december 2024.
What does that mean only 1 person can Hijacked caravan by siting in back of carvan.
What is this rule, i mean where is rp here?
No demand given, no one fight after a family Hijacked other family caravan, no one die here and you are also saying it is allowed if 1 person is doing it wtf.
If it is allowed then everyone get free family point by just doing war and Hijacking each other caravans.

If any higher admin watching this please also consider wrong decision of Babi Ruthless Id 134019


Oct 13, 2024
Assasin family member is also there so it means assasin family also involved ??
As you saying
GR 1.3 | 166990
Pov request | 174957

Assassin Family
also involed in this bug abuse.
Assassin Family and Dark Family do bug abuse together.
I have 2 proof that are:-
1. I am giving 3 links with screenshorts of Assassin Family and Dark Family. Where in 1st screenshort you can clearly see at time 9:06 and date 16 december 2024. Check left eye in club chat Dark Sarvesh Id 166990 send advertisement to send alliance to Assassin Family and Dark Family for free 100 family points.
Now check 2nd and 3rd screenshort where they start war with each other.
I mean if you are already enemies of each other than why you post ads. of alliance?
It means you did Hijack caravans of each other. You cannot Hijacked each other caravans without war.
You show people that you are doing carvans together and you get free family points but instead of that you start war and Hijacked each other caravans to get family points for yourself and those familya who send you alliance dont get family points this come under scam or general rule 1.3 (GR 1.3). So Dark Sarvesh Id 166990 you are also doing scam with players as well.

GR 1.3 Any fraud against players is prohibited | PERMANENT BAN and we do not compensate lost money.

Link of screenshorts:-

2. Legend Spade Id 174957 confirmed in this reply to whome i am replying right now that Assassin Family member is also there. So, not even a single Family expect my take caravan normally all were Hijacking each other caravan in complete 19 minutes and 42 seconds youtube vedio that i posted on proof section. Expect my family that leave in the starting of vedio with caravan.
So, it means Assassin Family member also Hijacking other carvan at that time.
I already mentioned above that I dont know any Assassin Family member personally so I dont know if he was there or not. But Id 183704 also there and stealing each other caravan. And maybe Assassin Family also Hijacking other carvans.

Legend Spade Id 174957 I am requesting you to post pov where you see Assassin Family member on caravan location. And if you fail to provide or say you are lying this will come under deceiving admin.

Note: Even if Legend Spade Id 174957 fail to provide proof that Assassin Family member was there still I think proof no. 1 in already enough to prove that Assassin Family and Dark Family both involved in bug abuse.


Oct 13, 2024
Lebron Pluxury
Respected Sir,
In bug abuse there are total 4 big families involved in this those are Assassin Family, Ghostly Guardians, Dark Family and The Boyz. They were hijacking each other caravans by doing war and hijack each other caravans without any rp which comes under bug abuse. They all do this to get family points faster and earn money fast in game.
No admin consider this forum till now if it is possible please you consider this forum.
Thank you,


Aug 9, 2024
GR 1.3 | 166990
Pov request | 174957

Assassin Family
also involed in this bug abuse.
Assassin Family and Dark Family do bug abuse together.
I have 2 proof that are:-
1. I am giving 3 links with screenshorts of Assassin Family and Dark Family. Where in 1st screenshort you can clearly see at time 9:06 and date 16 december 2024. Check left eye in club chat Dark Sarvesh Id 166990 send advertisement to send alliance to Assassin Family and Dark Family for free 100 family points.
Now check 2nd and 3rd screenshort where they start war with each other.
I mean if you are already enemies of each other than why you post ads. of alliance?
It means you did Hijack caravans of each other. You cannot Hijacked each other caravans without war.
You show people that you are doing carvans together and you get free family points but instead of that you start war and Hijacked each other caravans to get family points for yourself and those familya who send you alliance dont get family points this come under scam or general rule 1.3 (GR 1.3). So Dark Sarvesh Id 166990 you are also doing scam with players as well.

GR 1.3 Any fraud against players is prohibited | PERMANENT BAN and we do not compensate lost money.

Link of screenshorts:-

2. Legend Spade Id 174957 confirmed in this reply to whome i am replying right now that Assassin Family member is also there. So, not even a single Family expect my take caravan normally all were Hijacking each other caravan in complete 19 minutes and 42 seconds youtube vedio that i posted on proof section. Expect my family that leave in the starting of vedio with caravan.
So, it means Assassin Family member also Hijacking other carvan at that time.
I already mentioned above that I dont know any Assassin Family member personally so I dont know if he was there or not. But Id 183704 also there and stealing each other caravan. And maybe Assassin Family also Hijacking other carvans.

Legend Spade Id 174957 I am requesting you to post pov where you see Assassin Family member on caravan location. And if you fail to provide or say you are lying this will come under deceiving admin.

Note: Even if Legend Spade Id 174957 fail to provide proof that Assassin Family member was there still I think proof no. 1 in already enough to prove that Assassin Family and Dark Family both involved in bug abuse.
see on the club chat all famliy are doing allaince ok if we have allaince it wrong to have allaince and pls tell me which type of i do scam


Aug 9, 2024
GR 1.3 | 166990
Pov request | 174957

Assassin Family
also involed in this bug abuse.
Assassin Family and Dark Family do bug abuse together.
I have 2 proof that are:-
1. I am giving 3 links with screenshorts of Assassin Family and Dark Family. Where in 1st screenshort you can clearly see at time 9:06 and date 16 december 2024. Check left eye in club chat Dark Sarvesh Id 166990 send advertisement to send alliance to Assassin Family and Dark Family for free 100 family points.
Now check 2nd and 3rd screenshort where they start war with each other.
I mean if you are already enemies of each other than why you post ads. of alliance?
It means you did Hijack caravans of each other. You cannot Hijacked each other caravans without war.
You show people that you are doing carvans together and you get free family points but instead of that you start war and Hijacked each other caravans to get family points for yourself and those familya who send you alliance dont get family points this come under scam or general rule 1.3 (GR 1.3). So Dark Sarvesh Id 166990 you are also doing scam with players as well.

GR 1.3 Any fraud against players is prohibited | PERMANENT BAN and we do not compensate lost money.

Link of screenshorts:-

2. Legend Spade Id 174957 confirmed in this reply to whome i am replying right now that Assassin Family member is also there. So, not even a single Family expect my take caravan normally all were Hijacking each other caravan in complete 19 minutes and 42 seconds youtube vedio that i posted on proof section. Expect my family that leave in the starting of vedio with caravan.
So, it means Assassin Family member also Hijacking other carvan at that time.
I already mentioned above that I dont know any Assassin Family member personally so I dont know if he was there or not. But Id 183704 also there and stealing each other caravan. And maybe Assassin Family also Hijacking other carvans.

Legend Spade Id 174957 I am requesting you to post pov where you see Assassin Family member on caravan location. And if you fail to provide or say you are lying this will come under deceiving admin.

Note: Even if Legend Spade Id 174957 fail to provide proof that Assassin Family member was there still I think proof no. 1 in already enough to prove that Assassin Family and Dark Family both involved in bug abuse.
and i send alliance to all famliy and go and first learn rules then come to forum
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