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Leader of unofficial org
Jun 23, 2023
Family name: O T F
Family owner: Djaga OTF | 184338
Family house number: 71
Family owner discord: sneakercowboys
Family owner forum name: djaga187

Family logo: Family T-Shirt: Family history: How did "O T F (Only The Family)" started.

In 2022 , a group of young boys from the hood came together as friends to create an alliance named "O Block" to combat their enemies.
The founder Djaga named their new organization to "OTF."
Only The Family goal was to claim small gangs around the area, and invite them in the family.
In 2023 in order to help increase recruitment and counteract threats from other gangs, Djaga created the family “Only The Family” which helped boost recruitment numbers into the thousands and moved to a new city called " Grand City".
The goal of the family OTF is to start fresh again in a new city and dominate the ghetto in the new city with the last over guys that moved to the new city Grand.

Family Rules :
- Must be knowledgeable of server rules.
- Don’t be AFK in the family house.
- No Toxicity allowed.
- Don’t abuse any of the unofficial functions.
- No stealing from the family.

Family goals:
- Being known for their extreme wealth in the city.
- Being organized and active.
- Being feared and respected by other families.
- Show a high activity in all events which include not only bizwars, informals but also store robberies and bank heist.
- Run the black market.

Family ranks:
- (1) Civilian: New members. these members are still in training and learning about the city rules.
- (2) Streetboy : This members have to show that they are dedication and loyalty to the family and know the rules.
- (3) Soldier : This members have earned the trust of the family and have proven their skills in the criminal activities.
- (4) Hustler : This members have specialized skills in certain areas, such as the guns skills that you need to hit more damaged.
- (5) Gangster : This members are responsible for managing and defending the family's turf in the city.
- (6) Hitman : This members are responsible for the turfs, they make sure that the lower ranks do their job good at the family turfs.
- (7) Turfer : This members are higher ranking members, and assist in making important decisions for the family.
- (8) OTF : This members are in charge of organizing and leading family events, such as heists, raids, informals, bizwar etc.
- (9) Capo : This members are trusted advisors to the Boss, and help to manage the daily operations of the family.
- (10) Kingpin : The leader of the family, responsible for making all final decisions and ensuring that the family's doing their job.

Tyrell Johnson

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
May 14, 2021

I accept your unofficial organization biography. Enjoy the game, but do not break any server rules and do not go against scripts.

It will take some time to get unofficial ingame and on Discord, please be patient with us. While you wait you can make sure everyone reads the link below:

Rules and Requirements For applying For Unofficial Family

And last but not least check the pinned messages in the Unofficial channel in the Main GRP Discord!​
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