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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
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Pablo Standl
Administrators nickname
Raiky Broddy
Dec 24, 2024


Sep 4, 2024
I reported a guy for Combat Log and Fear RP Raiky reviews in 1 minute Ban me for 3.2 for some reason and he Give only 1 warn to other ID for GR 6.2, I do not have a clue where in this whole POV i have Violated any GR 3.2 at all!!! Every time i get this Raiky Punished me Multiple Times for nonsense , Now how is Son GR 3.2! Please tell me please i am begging you explain to me in the English Language how is Son Parent insult?, i want Compensation and not only Unban i am sick of this every time this Raiky guy coming after me, Multiple Multiple times i got Punished by him for Absolutely no reason!


Sep 4, 2024
Over 5000x i said Son in CC and out of CC never in my whole life even got mute , this guy is taking out his personal problems to banning me on every single forum my ID is Visible on! Constantly Targetting me constantly!

Raiky Broddy

Crime Curator
Server Administrator
Dec 18, 2023
No one will get punished for "Absolutely no reason!". So I recommend to you to read what the rule says.
Final decision stays with Higher Up Administration


Sep 4, 2024
Dear Pablo Or Sam, Imgur Is Bugged for me for some reason the Screenshots of The admin tickets i meant to Provide here i am not sure if its them ones as its Bugged on my screen this is a pov going through them.
( With all Respect )

R u sure? Because urself here in admin Ticket admitted 'No one said it is Parental Insult' so what u give me GR 3.2 for fun? because 3.2 perfectly says Parents Insult Last time Wife you took as Parents even tho here very Clearly After i made Appeal was Unbanned for the Wife situation and Pablo spoke to admin to correct him that Wife is not Parents Reviewed - Biased Admin I Yaswanth Trigger Yet after that even you still banned me after that also for saying Wife for 3.2, so Wife is Parents, Son is Parents what else is parent? u left no space for Mother and Father at this point considering in your own language you are here classifying Wife / Son as Parents what's next daughter also parent insult? For all i know for Fact is you are Abusing your Power Raiky Multiple times i try to stay respectful and keep my language together because i have Respect for this Project and what you guys bring to the RP but till now I have not said 1 wrong thing to you yet you been sat in Admin Tickets while i am trying to speak to u on my Twink Threatening to Punish me for What? Saying I will get banned on here also if i don't stop? Stop what i don't see myself committing any Rule Break what GR have i Broke can u please explain to me in these Both screenshots i been speaking to u on my Twink I don't see myself saying anything wrong but you are here Threatening to Ban me for no reason and you Blame me when i am saying Abusing Power? In my whole life i had no issue with you but you seem to target me for the littlest things and punish me for things I have not done. You are Threatening my Twink to be banned when i have not said nothing wrong to you.
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