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Dec 24, 2024
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Soham Gaitonde

Nov 28, 2022
It all started yesterday when my friend Anvaya and I were trying to do roleplay with corruption. (NOTE: The both of us have bio permissions for any IC rule breaks that relate to robbery and arresting peeps.) In this, we encountered an FIB agent who was driving erratically, so we gave him a "pull over" order.
This escalated very quickly, the FIB agent, clearly was not paying attention to FailRP, FearRP, Mixing, and using ORG radio while in cuffs.

On top of it, there are several rules that the agent broke when he went "local" (public communication) while being held at gunpoint and then began giving up our names writing them on the radio, squeezing the ORG menu. The agent also alleged that they used FIB radio while handcuffed, which is clear breach of rules.

His Forum: Rejected - (PG) , (UB) | 280645 and 53611
His Bodycam:
His Bodycam Backup:

This are the rules breaks Timestamps from his POV:
02:36 - PG in ORG radio ( In cuffs but asking for HC in FIB radio )
02:45 - PG in ORG radio x2 ( In cuffs but using FIB radio )
03:02 - Mixing
03:27 - PG in ORG radio x3 ( In cuffs but using FIB radio )
03:32 - PG in ORG radio x4 ( In cuffs using FIB radio )
04:07 - Mixing x2
04:34 - PG in ORG radio x5 ( In cuffs but using FIB radio )
04:50 - Mixing x3
05:16 - FEAR RP ( Abusing Org Menu to Identify us when he has a gun pointed on his head )
05:47 - Fear RP & PG x2 ( He used that info and wrote in the radio when he was in cuffs while guns pointed )
06:35 - FEAR RP x3 ( Abusing Org Menu to Identify us when he has a gun pointed on his head )
08:29 - FEAR RP x4 ( he Got inside the car while having guns pointed ) ( Tyrell Barro already gave punishment for this )
08:38 - FEAR RP x5 ( He called local while having guns pointed )

After all of this rule breaks I would like him to get a ban as he ruined our RP experience and also after that FIB came to interrogate us.

I also have my POV but you won't be able to see him writing in the radio, if you need my POV Lemme know I will post that too.

Peren Hill

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Nov 14, 2022

Pov owner and Forum owner doesnt match
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