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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
291645, 299553
Players nickname
Kuba Standl
Administrators nickname
James Pluxury
Jan 15, 2024

Kuba Standl

Jun 16, 2023
Hello, dear administration.
First of all, thank you for your time reading this, I will try to be as straightforward as I can be.
Almost a year ago I have been falsely banned by James Pluxury for cheats. Let me tell you a full story.
Back in January 2024, my friend Hussein has taken over Ballas gang and I was his deputy. We started turfing together, we played worse or better, doesn’t really matter. What matter is who we were competing against, Flawless team. After a good turf day for us we started joking that one of us is getting banned soon, as things like that happened before, since James was a well known friend of Webby Spanking and Mia Flawless. Next day I have been banned for cheating without a PC check. This led to disband of our gang as I have been a deputy and easy 100% for Families. I could not agree with that decision, made unsuccessful appeal as I have never would do something like that since GrandRP is a place where I have met a lot of friends that I still have contact with until this day. However my twink account was never banned so I kept playing with my friends for fun again. This time as HoD in FIB at Satriko’s term. Everything was going fine as I kept playing with my friends. Days after FIB has done a raid against Bloods the same thing happened again. Who was Bloods leader? Webby Spanking. Everyone knew what power Webby has held with James by his side, so did Satriko, that was getting direct and indirect threats from Bloods that his FIB will be disbanded if he keeps on raiding them. It was around the same time when Webby started to care more about his family and wanted to make it top1 no matter what. As you can see in this clip at 0:16 of a night bizwar in 26th March, I killed Webby and his family members during an event. I got banned just couple of hours later, by James of course :).
After my twink got banned and another unsuccessful appeal I started trying to look for other ways of getting justice and being able to chill with people that I got close to. Through friends of mine I have made contact with Webby and tried to ask him, to ask James to unban me. Obviously him unbanning me would mean him admitting to corruption/mistake which we all know would have never happened. Instead, I was told by James indirectly to make another account and use vpn and as long as I’m in Slaughter Gang (Webby’s family) I’m fine. So I did as I was told and played from then as Recky Syke which James was fully aware of as you can see in this screenshot, I can provide more proof if needed. Then as I was participating in a lot of events and turfing in gangs, I have never been suspected of cheating, never been PC checked, because I have never been cheating. All I ever wanted is to just be able to enjoy my time with my friends, that’s what I believe GrandRP is about. Afterwards, I have been obviously banned again when people found out who Recky Syke really is. Shortly after I lost the hope and left the city for good up until recently my friend told me that James has been finally exposed for all the corruption he has done through all those years.
I’m asking for one chance to prove that I am not a person that does things that I was banned for. I’m not a kid, I can handle consequences of things I do, but not for something I didn’t. I believe I was a non-conflict person that was improving RP. Over my time in the city I have been a leader, a deputy of organizations and an active member of our community.
Thank you for reading this, it is my last shot of seeking justice.
Happy New Year :)
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